I never understood the point of NATO after Soviet Union broke apart.
All they are now is the big bad police gang that decides whats right and whats wrong. I don't think this is a recipe for world peace.
Also the WW1 comparisons are a joke. I think nuclear weapons achieved more world peace when talking about having another great big war like WW1 or WW2 because of MAD. You fire a nuke at me, I fire a nuke at you, we're both dead. The winners are the ones who did not participate, or get in the way.
All they are now is the big bad police gang that decides whats right and whats wrong. I don't think this is a recipe for world peace.
Also the WW1 comparisons are a joke. I think nuclear weapons achieved more world peace when talking about having another great big war like WW1 or WW2 because of MAD. You fire a nuke at me, I fire a nuke at you, we're both dead. The winners are the ones who did not participate, or get in the way.