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- #61
Armenia struck targets in the Azeri city of Gyandzha. Note this is well outside the disputed territories. The city as an airbase, and is the place where Turkish F-16 were based during recent joint exercises. The Armenian side claims they struck the military airfield but its clear that they either missed, or used munitions so inaccurate as to strike multiple areas in the city (it's of course possible that they intentionally hit the city itself). In at least one photo of the damage a person in military uniform with a Turkish flag chevron appears, leading many to suggest that Turkish military personnel may still be in Gyandzha. Armenia issued a statement claiming that this was 1) a strike against the airbase 2) retribution for the recent bombardments of Stepanakert, and that the strikes have been halted at this time but would continue if Azerbaijan keeps shelling Stepanakert. It appears that a BM-30 Smerch was used. Shelling of Stepanakert has continued even after the strike, and one of Aliev's advisers issued a statement suggesting that targets inside Armenia may be struck in response to this attack. This would of course, at least potentially, trigger the CSTO and could bring Russia into the fight, as well as other CSTO allies (though how many others would be willing and able to jump in questionable). Please note, there is disagreement about where the strike originated with Armenia claiming it came from inside the NKR while Azerbaijan claims it came from Armenia.
Some footage of damage from rocket-artillery strikes against Stepanakert, for comparison.
There are reports that Azerbaijan took Dzhebrail, in the south of the NKR. Confirmation is lacking and Armenia still denies losing Magadiz. If true, this represents a major gain, and seriously threatens the NKR from the south.
Armenia struck targets in the Azeri city of Gyandzha. Note this is well outside the disputed territories. The city as an airbase, and is the place where Turkish F-16 were based during recent joint exercises. The Armenian side claims they struck the military airfield but its clear that they either missed, or used munitions so inaccurate as to strike multiple areas in the city (it's of course possible that they intentionally hit the city itself). In at least one photo of the damage a person in military uniform with a Turkish flag chevron appears, leading many to suggest that Turkish military personnel may still be in Gyandzha. Armenia issued a statement claiming that this was 1) a strike against the airbase 2) retribution for the recent bombardments of Stepanakert, and that the strikes have been halted at this time but would continue if Azerbaijan keeps shelling Stepanakert. It appears that a BM-30 Smerch was used. Shelling of Stepanakert has continued even after the strike, and one of Aliev's advisers issued a statement suggesting that targets inside Armenia may be struck in response to this attack. This would of course, at least potentially, trigger the CSTO and could bring Russia into the fight, as well as other CSTO allies (though how many others would be willing and able to jump in questionable). Please note, there is disagreement about where the strike originated with Armenia claiming it came from inside the NKR while Azerbaijan claims it came from Armenia.
Обстрел Гянджа
Азербайджану прилетела ответка за обстрелы Степанакерта. Ночью ударам подвергся второй по величине город Азербайджана. Армяне насыпали ракетами по военному аэродрому в Гяндже, где базируются в числе прочего турецкие F-16. Попутно часть прилетов пришлась на жилые кварталы. В городе есть разрушения,…

Турецкий военный в Гяндже
Помощник президента Алиева публикуя фото из Гянджи, случайно выложил фотографию, на которой засветился военный с турецким шевроном. Фото было спешно удалено, но было уже поздно. Теперь оно гуляет по соц.сетям как иллюстрация прямого турецкого участия в нападении на Карабах. В общем, классический…

Утром в воскресенье в Степанакерте раздались мощные взрывы. Азербайджан возобновил обстрел
"Анализ действий противника показывает, что он готовится перейти к наступлению", - считает пресс-служба Минобороны непризнанной НКР. Накануне азербайджанская армия взяла под контроль семь сел в районах, прилегающих к Нагорному Карабаху. Премьер-министр Армении Никол Пашинян накануне назвал...
Some footage of damage from rocket-artillery strikes against Stepanakert, for comparison.

There are reports that Azerbaijan took Dzhebrail, in the south of the NKR. Confirmation is lacking and Armenia still denies losing Magadiz. If true, this represents a major gain, and seriously threatens the NKR from the south.