Just saw the video in the link that was provided, and also saw a promo video from bofors for their bill missile, and really, this video of javelin must be fake, not only because of the explosion, but because in the end the tank almost disapears!! a mockup of wood, or something? doubt that only that would remain of the tank, from earlier pictures of disabled/destroyed MBT i´ve seen elsewhere on this forum.
By active protection systems, what type are those? some kind of jammers? would depend on guidance system for missile, optical, laser, ir, wouldnt it?
And probably latest gen of missiles will have some kind of countermeasures, no?
One last question, what type of device indicates the missile, in this case the Bill, when it is in position on top of the hull of the tank? some kind of prox. fuse as in Anti aircraft missiles? because that sucker sure runs fast...