Yeah, shoulda said LHP. but anyway, i would love to know how they passed a Grade A Assault helo like the AH-64 through Article 9, not exactly a good way of saying defence with a high speed Attack chopper.
Anyway, the reason i asked was that this "destroyer" could be a staging post for attack choppers if article 9 was dropped, and could be well used in covering any invasion force. As for defending Japan, i fail to see the true need for a DDH, what is the point of having 3 helo's launching if its to block enemy invasion or rescue people, would'nt a LHP such as the San Antonio or even the new dutch CSS, would go better in service with the JSDF.
The whole DDH seems a little, pointless perhaps? Can someone give me a real use and reason, keeping in mind Japan is pacifist and can not attack a dove let alone a country. Even to stop military power to Sth Korea or even china, it just seems like with all their construction of AWDs and such, this is a little out of place. If this is a first step towards japan realising their goal of an aircraft carrier, then they will tread carefully, but keep in mind, it will all be worthless if they still have article 9(my views on this are confusing, and political so i'll avoid it

Just to note, "There has never been a destroyer that exceeded 10,000 tons".