TrangleC said:
Communist history books... lol
That isn't even worth a reply.
It's just like i expected. I am dared to bring prove and facts, i do so and then they are ignored and now you even do the lame "you are a communist!"-thing.
A typical and very cheap attempt to end a discussion when you don't have any credible arguments. In Germany you are usually called a Nazi in such cases.
Why don't you call me a "nazi communist alien invader from mars who is posessed by the devil"? That would cover it all.
You forgot "land rights for gay whales" (one of my favorites)
One of the first things about anger management is to realize life is not easy. i.e. one thinks "This should be easier" and this thought sparks anger. It seems that you are getting ticked because it is not easy to convince people that your point of view is correct.
Its difficult for you because you are taking an extremist position and providing cherry picked data to support your arguments and therefore it is an incomplete, or flawed argument. If you want to support your arguments you have to look at it as a scientist (Sociologist, I guess) and examine ALL the data, and then draw a logical conclusion.
For example: The WW2 President of the USA (
Theodore Roosevelt) [
edit: WTF?? That would be Franklin. Just goes to show you shouldn't read books on the Panama Canal and post at the same time:tomato ] froze all business assets that were a result of doing business with the Nazi party. This included our current President's (George Bush IIRC) grandfather's business assets because he was doing business with the Nazi party.
Now taken from your perspective, you would leap upon this as proof positive that all wealthy people are..., etc, etc, vitriollic-spume-to-describe-your-point.
But the fact is, it isn't proof for such an argument.
1) you shouldn't use absolutes like "all", or "never" and so on.
2) market forces dictate that if there is a demand then someone will fill it. If its not you, it will be someone else.
3) In the above case, the legislative branch of the US government acted accordingly when it became clear that the Nazi party were an enemy of the people. (When Hitler declared war on the USA).
4), 5), 6) etc.
I'm sure these are not all the points, but say if it were, then you can see the process that from the above data you make a conclusion.
Now, I'm not a wordsmith, but I tried to give you an example ( post #20), or snap shot of some of the inner workings that go on. I was trying to demonstrate to you that rather than malice, or conspiracy (to field an armor system that wouldn't work) it was more a case of an executive making a stupid call.
People do stupid things. But at the same time, this was corrected by natural market forces e.g. the customer (the US Army in the case of the example) saying, "that is stupid" and so on.
I was trying to help you come to a logical conclusion. That is what public discussion is all about.
In the case of the Trophy Active defense system a user might look at it as;
1) It is a good system for what it is designed to do
1a) most systems are very good at what they are designed to do and not good at what they are not designed to do.
2) It is an expensive system
2a) The cost of the system is justified if you expect to use it and it is successful
3) Using the system has consequences, in that it is dangerous to people located near it when used.
So, do we need it? Given that the major threat is IEDs and NOT RPGs, then the answer would be "no", although its patently obvious it would be great against RPGs, so lets back the US concern for future use. i.e. when we come up against an ATGM centric threat in a future conflict.
I hope this has helped.