Israeli Armor


Troll Hunter
Staff member
If you play nice, we can always have a thread on it... playing nice is the condition but in a different thread. ;) Thank you.

Ozzy Blizzard

New Member
merocaine said:
I agree with a lot of what you have said and I also think your analysis of Hezbullah is wrong, Hezbullah Primarally attacked military targets, true they hate
Israel like Poision, but they have also negotiated with Israel for things like priosner swaps and cease fires. They are not Al Quada, they have Members of Parilement and are respected by all elements of Lebonese Socity(although a lot of them dont agree with what there doing at the moment). True they are launching unguided missle attacks on Israeli citys but the Israelies are know saints when it comes to avoiding civilians causties. Most of the Israeli dead have been soldiers this has not been the case on the other side. They have only attacked Israel during there existance(formed during the Israeli invasion of 1982), and maintain cordial relations with the Christian and sunni community in the Lebanon, is that Al Queda?
They are not a nialistic terrorist organisation, they maintain schools hosptails care centers olds age homes ect. Those are facts you can look them up if you want. I dont really care to much about the situation one way or the other, but i do feel if you dont have a strong grasp of the facts on the ground then your expectations will always be confounded. If Hezbullah do enter into a dialoge with Israel I believe they would negotate in good faith, they are not religious fanatics in the sense of some islamic groups and have always show themselfs to be quite pragmatic. Nor are the Iranian/syrian puppets. In the 1990's Hezbullah restructered them selfs in order to eliminate iranian operational command, this was done to make the organisation more excepible to the other Lebanonese religious groups. The result was near unanimaty in Lebonese socity that Hezbullah was a legitimete resistance group. Finally only Israel and the US Canada and the UK have Declared Hezbullah a terrorist organisation.
this is a Good resorse for general info

One last thing.

Fair enough, I agree hizbollah is definately not Al Quida. they seem to be reasonable and do alot of good for the community, in some ways. However IMHO the fact that their primary goal is the destruction of the jewish state, and their large scale attacks on civillian targets (however innefective) can not be excused, whatever the justification.


New Member

On the Makerva I thought they were the best protected tank in the world, A sagger is 1970's era tech and it cut the legs off one of the crewmen. I wonder what effect a modern anti-tank weapon would have?
I think the Israelies got sloppy fighting the Pals.


New Member
Even the best tanks remain vunerable - especially against mobility kills. You just can't build the tracks strong enough to withstand every explosion. Also the engine will remain a weak point because you can't seal it totally with armour. It needs air and an exhaust. So a simple molotov cocktail can be enough to immobilize a MBT if you bring it close enough to hit the right point.

But also simple armour penetration will remain a pretty possible thread.
After all, steel is just steel and the possibilities to make it thougher and harder are limited. You can use Uranium and you can create sandwich configurations with new ceramics, or glass fibres or other stuff, but it never will take a long time till there is a armour piercing weapon that is able to get through the new super armour.

I think the future of vehicle protection will rather be active protection systems like the russian ARENA.
(Or this here, the user named Kams pointed out in another thread:
So the tanks of the future might rather go the same way as war ships went decades ago. Relying to more and more sophisticated active protection systems and reducing the after all less usefull armour to a minimum in favour of agility. And of course stealth characteristics.
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New Member
Ozzy Blizzard said:
Mate every opressive regime built on hate and intollerance once called themselves "freedom fighters". would richeous freedom fighters deliberatly attack civilians and hide behind the civilian population in the country that they've imbedded themselves in? No i think the last bit of that statement is more accurate.

P.S. watch the political talk or the WebMaster will kick your butt!!!
"MATE",have you read the newspaper lately?Which civilian die more,Israel or Palastine and Lubnan?The casualty in the Palestine and Lubnan side is almost 500 while the Israel,less then 50 if 'm not mistaken.About the FREEDOM FIGHTER thing,they do hide behinde civilian because they are the civilian.They take arm because the are force too by the Israel.But the Israel army,they hide behind civilian because they send the conscript army which consist of civilian.

P.S:The freedom fighters are not even an army,they just a militia and I dont
hate the Jews,I just hate Jews who support the Zionisms.

Ozzy Blizzard

New Member
noves said:
"MATE",have you read the newspaper lately?Which civilian die more,Israel or Palastine and Lubnan?The casualty in the Palestine and Lubnan side is almost 500 while the Israel,less then 50 if 'm not mistaken.About the FREEDOM FIGHTER thing,they do hide behinde civilian because they are the civilian.They take arm because the are force too by the Israel.But the Israel army,they hide behind civilian because they send the conscript army which consist of civilian.

P.S:The freedom fighters are not even an army,they just a militia and I dont
hate the Jews,I just hate Jews who support the Zionisms.
Look we've had this conversation. if you look at my earlier posts you'll see that dont agree with manny of Isreal's actions, including their targeting of civilian inferstructure. However Hizbollah is continuing to launch artillary (katusha rockets) attacks against isreali population centres, DELIBERATLY trying to kill civillians. They are not just noble "freedom fighters" ard are baced on an ideology of hate. As for Zionism, i compleatly simpathise with the palistinian, lebonese and isreali people for the hardships they are all going through. But dont the Jews desreve a homeland too? Remember, Judea existed untill the jewish revolt under the roman empire in the 1st century AD, untill the Romans sacked jerusalem and sold the Jewish people into slavery, scattering them throughout europe. The dangers of not having a homeland can be clearly seen in what happened in WW2. So if you you want to play the "we where there first" game we could go around in circles for days. Wouldn't it be more productive for all of us to move towards the "two state solution" as the only viable alternative that wont end in massive bloodshed? Maybe we should all agree that the situation is totally f**cked up, and there's no absoloute right or wrong. So i'll make you a deal, if you dont use the word "freedom fighter' I wont use the word "terrorist', we'll both just say Hizbollah? ok?:D


New Member
A sagger is 1970's era tech and it cut the legs off one of the crewmen.
On the counterpart, a there was a Merkava who withstand 7 hits from Sagger and RPG-7, and the crew wasn't injured at all nor mobility- nor fire-kill for the tank.


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
As always you cannot take one example as a proof for the reliability (Or the absence of it) of a vehicle.
Maybe the Sagger hit a weak point.
Maybe the RPGs were hitting strong points.


Banned Member
But anyway, if I have to choose one tank almost all others for urban combat, it will certainly be the Merkava!
Agreed, Israel's experience at FIBUA (Fighting In Built Up Areas) especially with armoured and mechanised formations is second to none. Merkava may not be an Abrams or a Chally 2 - but it is a very effective platform that suites Israeli tactics, doctrine and battle environment better than possibly any other option available at present.

Another example of the IDF's lessons learnt, are the myriad of APC conversions she has made from older model MBT chassis (Nemar - based on Merkava 1 conversions; Nakpadon - which are converted Centurions for example). Also note the efforts made to seriously upgrade the armour on her M-113A1/2 fleet. Interesting how Israel has preffered these options over procurring systems like the M2 Bradley - which the IDF quickly shunned back in the early 1990s.


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Yeah, right.
They use infantry not in the same way most NATO countrys use them. I think this is due to the fact that Israel is very small. There is just not enough space for a real mobile defence.
The Merkava is also not the a tank for mobile warfare.


New Member
Manfred said:
The way I heard it, that was no land mine, it was a massive amount of explosives buried in the road and command-detonated. Anti-tank mines are desighned to break treads, and only wiegh about 10 kg.
IED are something that cant be counter and US army in Iraq are having enourmos problems with it. I have seen pics of M1A2 without ture blown up by 300kg IED. No tank in the world has such armor to withstand ii.
Against shoulder launch weapons Russian APS Arena or Drozd-2 sistem are providing max protection as well as Israel Tropy sistem and by my opinion are mutch batter than reactive armor.In Afganistan during Soviet intervention T-55/T-60 equiped with APS Drozd-1 provided 80 percent efficienty against RPG.


New Member
Viktor said:
IED are something that cant be counter and US army in Iraq are having enourmos problems with it. I have seen pics of M1A2 without ture blown up by 300kg IED. QUOTE]

Blown up, or disabled?


New Member
Bfn42 said:
Blown up, or disabled?
Blown up. I know US people dont know mutch about US losses in Iraq and gang with the power in theirs hands dont like to talk about it but if you research a little you will find numerous pics of blown up and disabeld Abrams/Bradly etc, I have even seen video of a shoot down Apache helicopter down with Igla (4 US marines lost theirs lifes). Abrams is one of the most amoured Tank in the world but is not all mighty and couple of Rpg-29 or Rpg-7 hit below turet or at side etc will penetrate it. Now 300kg IED is something - there is no such armor that can whithstand suche force. Sorry to losse video I had a link - but nevertheless it would only make you nervous and mad so perhaps it is batter this way.
(it was if I remember somewhere on
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New Member
Time magazine reported that a Merkava was hit by a Hezbollah missile, killing a crewman. What ATGM would this most likely be?


New Member
...wait Syria and Iran dont seem to use MILAN, Kornet sounds more like it.
Syria might want to see how effective they are against Israeli tanks. But I'm not sure even Syria would give a non state actor their best anti tank system.