Your right that was a massive oversimplification. I guess i made my point rather badly, and to be honest i agree with you. It seems the simple words "freedom fighter" and "terrorist" seem to carry alot more baggage than thier litteral meaning. Any time anyone mentions the word freedom fighter it creates immages of the noble gurrilla fighting an evil oppressor, when in reality they can be just murdering bastards. And the word terrorist seems to mean someone who simply wants do spread hate, death and destruction on inocents in the name of some cause and can be exterminated for the good of mankind. And yes if you dissreguard all that baggage then every major combattant in world war 2 could be called terrorists. But only some could be classified as freedom fighters or a similar name. Mainly the western leaders because they, for the most part, held the moral high ground.
I think in the real world its niether black or white, but a murky shade of grey. And the fact that people on both sides use such terms, and their implied meanings, to describe themselves or their adversaries in an appropriate light means that we should all be carefull when useing them especially on this site. However IMO there is still a differance between millitant organisations fighting an opressive nation or differant nations in a real war. They all do horrible things, but thir reason for doing them and the manner in which they do it are
still important. We cant just say that making judgement one of them, and yes using the words "terrorist" or "freedom fighter", or even deciding who's right or wrong is irrelivent because both sides may have allready done so to further their own interests. Even though the western allies did some terrible things in WW2, but they were still the so called "good guy's". They represented freedom, tollerance and a liberation of conquered nations to democratically ellected goverments. The Nazi's on the other hand represented racism, hatred and german superiority, and exploited every nation the conquered and allmost exterminated an intire race of people. We cant just say that judgement lays in your point of view.
The western powers should absoloutly stop supporting corrupt monarchies such as Saudi Arabia, or iether drom the liberty and freedom act. The fact that they (or should i say we) invaded Iraq in the name or "regime change", while supporting similar regimes in other nations is rediculose. Personnal i'm glad Saddam's gone but to do it in the name of freedom is pure hipocracy.