Israel sets its Boundaries

Ozzy Blizzard

New Member
I think that there's a whole murky political element thats going on here beyond just a missunderstanding and clarification of ROE's. The isrealies were sending a clear message, a message that couldn't be said diplomatically or even said aloud. The germans and UNFIL need to send one back by bringing in some big guns, stating that they wont be scared into not doing what they went there to do, and they wont tollerate any shit from the IAF. Enough is enough.


New Member
Problem is this, forsee trouble i do.>Yoda speak:rolleyes:
Its quite simple, if Israel had wanted to wipe out the ship, they would have, with little fuss. Perhaps the germans were entering a little too close for comfort, or even near an area where Israelis had pre declared no go. The point is, all the facts are not reported in the media, especially the home media, and we may be missing something. Could germany have been in the wrong? For an Israeli fighter to, if true fire a shot across the bow as it would be, there would be a need for provocation. Perhaps their Anti-air radar picked up the F-16 and auto locked it as a target, leading to attack stations.
Theres to many unknowns at this point
They do have a history of targetting peacekeeping forces. Considering the amount of aid Israel gets from the west, the west does seem to deserve a certain amount of slack.


New Member
Some news explained it this way.

The Israelis think that it was to close to their waters. :rolleyes:
Is this the way to treat allies?
It is not like the world is full of friends of Israel and they don't need us. :mad:
I dont think the Israeli believe in allies.. yet the 'black goat' cafure of term allies... remember the incident that happend of one of US Navy vessel... no need to tell the name of that vessel..

Just be on ur own border....:nutkick