one of the major factors in any engagement with iran is that there are too many unknowns in the equation.
is it uncertain what kind of external support theyll get (other arab states, other asymmetrical warfare groups, not to mention china and russia). it seems the intel on iran isnt as good as it is on many other states......we dont even know how they would react (civilian targeting in the west, attacks on israel, etc...) to an attack. this "unkown" must be one of their strengths in terms of defence against western or israeli strikes/attacks/invasion.
whilst the leadership of iran has been labelled as insane fanatics, it should be remembered that though they might say alot, they have, as yet, done nothing insane in terms of attacks or anything similar outside their own country. the fact that iran has not been aggressor also lends itself to irans inevitable response as being a victim in the middle east. any attack would cause iran to be seen as a victim of western aggression in the region, and the pan arab response might be much greater than anticipated. the fact that iran has the worlds second largest reserves of oil is also key here....the financial implications are huge....
an attack or invasion of iran would most likely cause greater solidarity in the middle east than the west anticipates.......dont forget that saudi arabia's house of saud is holding on by a thread, against the will of huge portions of the popultion which favours an anti american approach. an attack on iran that causes a pan arab solidarity against the west and america in particular could see resistance in iraq and afghanistan escalate, could see musharaf's anti jihadi stance in pakistan become untenable, and could cause an arab solidarity to remove the west from the middle east. imagine if, in an admittedly absolute worst case scenario, you end up with a situation where the russians, chinese, pakistanis and other arab states (egypt, for example has a pro wstern gov. but an anti western poulation) supply arms to or support fighters in afghanistan, iraq and iran........the us army is currently said to be overstretched, nato countries are ressisting sending troops to afghanistan and several nations are pulling out of iraq.......
china and russia also clearly are of the view that america is flexing its muscle in the region too liberally and too close to their domain.......remember peace mission 2005?
the key points are that there are too many unknowns as well as the fact that we have no idea what this could escalate into........
one thing is certain...if israel attacks or is involved, no country in the middle east will have a population that isnt mainly against this action, to say the least......
do remember also that "the result of air strikes is academic" may be true on paper, it is certain that the west and america have lower public tolerance for iran could lose men at a huge rate compared to their opponents, but the effect of the casualties in the west would be great and might turn opinion against the war/attacks, whereas high casualties in iran would most likely increase the number of "martyrs" (is soldiers and paramilitaries involved in suicidal attacks as well as targeting of civilians in the west).
furthermore, opinion in the west is more sceptical as result of george"trust me" bush's claims of wmd's and links to terrorism in iraq. in europe the opinion is decidedly against america and its foreign policy (lets not even talk about israel here...), meaning that politican swill have to, if they wish to be elected, adopt a more neutral view of americas wars and involvements/ foreing policy. lets not forget blair.....aka bliar...and how he has ruined his legacy, as well as his now changed perception among most/many brits....
its a huge gamble, staking one's credibilty in europe....
the point is that we dont know what forces would be involved, or in what gauging the military struggle is pretty much impossible.....unless one imposes theoretical parameters to the debate....such as iran alone, assuming they have so and so, against an american strike with so and so in place x...
my take on the situation,