Yes, I think so
it would give me a heart attack if a country without a long history in aircraft making suddenly build an advanced aircraft.
so I can be quite sure that these new aircraft will not make a major difference in Iranian AF power
first of all say : yes it is true . my english isnot good .. sorry .. i dont know well..i change my lanquage to english from : Language Tools ... "Google Translate".
Iran mig type that Russian MiG-29B in 1980 the initial series of MiG-29 Fulcrum-A, which was called reproducing said. MiG-29B wiring to carry the bomb does not win and it can be reduced radar processing system, identify friend or foe (IFF) system and its electronic Zdml than the prototype for the Air Force and the former Soviet bloc countries, East Members Warsaw Pact was made, have been weaker. Although the MiG-29B Fulcrum-A series is known. But since the year 2010 marked the 29th Myg·hay Iran, have not suffered any change and only on one of four Iraqi MiG -29 Dvsrnshynh type UB (without radar) was self-sufficient by Jahad Nhaja, aerial refueling pods installed . Seem to install this pod, has angered Russian officials and they threatened to cut off technical support Myg·ha said. According to the two defects can be weak -29 MiG-range radar and low flying, two types of transformation or optimization for the MiG -29 possible that Iran seems to be two reasons: 1 - lack of cooperation by the two Russians - no funding in Nhaja; none have been done:
A) upgrade the standard MiG-29S
In this upgrade, a fuel tank in the back of the aircraft will be added as a lump prototype MiG -29 to be identified. Optimize or control the aircraft in the next upgrade with the installation of four computers that perform very -29 MiG flight capabilities improve, including the maximum angle of attack can be accelerated by two degrees. Although some experts believe that part of NATO behind emerged, not only the fuel tank system Zdml Advanced Electronics is L-203BE. But the most important part of upgrading the radar is the radar would increase dramatically, with trying to install some kits, MIG -29 affiliation to reduce ground radar controller. Thus enhanced by installing radar N019M, Mig -29 is capable ballistic missile R-27E air-to-air striking range to shoot 130 km. Consortium MiG - Mapv capabilities, although some efforts had little air to land be included in the MiG-29S, MiG -29, but to convert a multi-purpose fighter, the MiG-29SM ultimately from the heart of any species which is also S Srbravrd eventually build Abrjngndh called the MiG-29M Super Falkrvm led.
B) Optimization Vyvnyk
This optimization for the first time Falkrvmhay Polish Air Force was offered only to optimize the radar and some electronic accessories are included MiG -29, MiG -29 somehow be able to air intercept two targets simultaneously, and both missiles to shoot. In this optimization, installation of modern missiles similar to R-77 AMRAAM missiles, but American can have a better assessment, as is predicted.
This photo is about 1374, two Falkrvm Iranian missiles equipped with R-27E / R and are R-60MK shows.
Apparently the second aircraft type training R-27 with black stripes and is equipped with an unidentified object.
sorry for photoes .... i couldnt show it you.
This photo also Falkrvm thermoscope Iranian missiles with four R-73 shows. Engine Exhaust closed due course right for me unknown.