Good story Big-E. The time has also changed since te WWI. Today 500 meters is nothing, then 500 meter was long distance for infantry. And I don't believe US air force will send human pilots. Why riking lives? Just put on the red button and the Tomahawk's will do the job. Tomahawk is able to bombard first and then it flies to their target to do Kamikaze. But Iran will use their old planes like it is a ballistic missile, suicide jets.
About the isles, it is not so important because they will fall first. US must be friendly with neighboring Turkish countries like Azerbaijan and others to surround them. As a Turk, attack is bad for Turkish economy and that Iran has nuclear warhead is also a threat. We are the big loosers what is always a dillema to Turks.
In Galipoli there was no air superioriy, they never heard of that word
in 1915. But the Turks are known to fight with their bare hands and sometimes it was succesful because of the close combat techniques learnt by Turkish army school. The US must use Kuwait or IraQ as a base to invade Iran. But then, it is also hard for the US forces. Iraq was nothing, everyone wanted to kick Saddam out and lite fire crackers. I don't know what the new weapons systems of the US navy is. In several years the modern weapons we toght has been sold to allies like Turkey (OH Perry class frigates) and others and US have the better technologically supplied new ones for their own. Stealthy frigates, more destructive weapons.
But the missile topedo's is not sure of its existance, maybe it is bought by Iran and renamed. Iran also have Exocet type missiles and AS-4 or other AS-xx missiles wich are dangerous to all ships. Recently SA-15 Gauntlet SAM's wich they bought 30 of them are underway within 2 years. They don't say everything because China and North Korea will suppy everything and use it as a surpise attack. It is handy to compare Hormuz with Galipoli, because it can be the same end with the US. We had defended Galipoli to the final men. Iran will also do that. I think a new cold war will rise, this time East (Cina,Russia,Pakistan,Iran, North Korea and other Arab countries) and West (NATO, Israel, Japan, South Korea).