Indonesia & South Korea Cooperating in Jet Fighter Projects?

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
To summarize, are the Indonesians buying KT-1s? Are they buying T 50s (or light fighter A 50 versions)?

How do the KT-1s compare to the A29 super tucanos from Brazil and the AT6 from the US?

What is Korea's annual production capacity for KT-1s. How much of that is already earmarked for existing orders?
I only can give you an answer on the first question.
Yes we have ordered 12 KT-1Bs (all delivered) and 8 options.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
News from 6 Juni.
On the telly i saw some newstext (on the bottom of the screen) that end this month we will sign the contract for the subs.....hopefully its more than just a promise...
Kerjasama Pesawat Tempur dengan Korea

F/A-50 : pesawat fighter Korea yang akan dikembangkan dari T-50 Golden Eagle (photo : Atwiki)

Korea Selatan Tawarkan Kerjasama Jasa Pelatihan Bagi TNI AU

Jakarta, DMC, Menteri Pertahanan Juwono Sudarsono menerima kunjungan kehormatan Duta Besar Republik Korea Selatan untuk Indonesia Kim Ho young, Senin (6/7) di kantor Departemen Pertahanan, Jakarta. Saat menerima tamunya menhan didampingi oleh Dirjen Ranahan Dephan Marsda TNI Eris Heriyanto, S.Ip, MA, Kabalitbang Dephan Prof. Ir. Lilik Hendrajaya, M.Sc, PH.D, Karo Humas Setjen Dephan Brigjen TNI S Hariyanto dan Karo TU Setjen Dephan Laksma TNI Agus Purwoto.

Dalam pertemuan tersebut dibicarakan beberapa hal tentang peningkatan kerjasama di bidang pertahanan antara kedua negara, antara lain tentang rencana kerjasama di bidang industri pertahanan, kerjasama pelatihan, transfer of technology seperti pesawat tempur dan kapal perang.

Disampaikan oleh Duta Besar Republik Korea Selatan, bahwa saat Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara Korea Selatan berkunjung ke Indonesia beberapa waktu yang lalu telah menyampaikan kepada Menhan Juwono, bahwa Korea akan memberikan jasa pelatihan lanjutan pesawat terbang, negara-negara ASEAN termasuk Indonesia. Untuk menindaklanjuti hal tersebut pihak Korea Selatan memerlukan suatu Lanud, dan meminta jawabannya atau tanggapannya dari pihak Indonesia.

Menanggapi hal tersebut, menhan RI Juwono Sudarsono menjelaskan hal ini sudah diusahakan dan koordinasikan oleh Dephan dengan Mabes TNI khususnya dengan Mabes TNI AU termasuk kapan dapat dilaksanakan. Lebih lanjut Menhan Juwono menjelaskan, Duta Besar Republik Korea Selatan berkaitan dengan kunjungan Presiden Korea ke Indonesia pada tanggal 6 Maret yang lalu, yaitu dengan telah ditandatanganinya Letter of Intens antara Dafa dan Departemen Pertahanan yaitu tentang kerjasama pembuatan pesawat fighter.

Menhan berharap dukungan program ini dengan adanya road map bersama, sehingga dapat diikuti oleh intansi-instansi terkait seperti Bapennas, Depkeu, Dephan dan mabes TNI. Menhan juga berharap mudah-mudahan kerjasama ini, terdapat suatu komitmen bersama untuk menentukan tahapan selanjutnya. Informasi yang diterima, saat ini tahapan sudah memasuki pada tahapan feasibility study sampai pada bulan Juli, setelah itu ada design selama 3 tahun, dan dilanjutkan dengan development selama 7 tahun. Sehingga pada tahun 2020 mendatang diharapkan terdapat prototype 5 buah pesawat. “ Jadi kita perlu ada road map lebih kongkrit lagi”, tambah Menhan Juwono. (BDI/HDY)


News from Korean Times

Indonesian Redtape Torpedoes Sub Sale Bid

Daewoo International is bidding to sell Chang Bogo-class submarines, shown above, to Indonesia. / Korea Times

By Kim Hyun-cheol
Staff Reporter

Following a failed attempt to sell the T-50 supersonic trainer jet to Iraq earlier this year, Korea's attempts to sell submarines are also being torpedoed.

Daewoo International, a Korean trading firm, said Tuesday its bid to export two domestic submarines to Indonesia has not been successful.

The company joined bidding for the deal, estimated to be worth about $1.2 billion, to supply two 1,400-ton diesel-powered Type-209 submarines to the Indonesian Navy. The subs are made by Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering.

Three more companies from Russia, Germany and France competed for the deal. But sources said the Indonesian Navy demanded unacceptable terms so Daewoo and the German and French firms dropped out. Only the Russian firm remained, forcing Indonesia to instigate a second round of bidding.

The modified version of the ``Chang Bogo'' class is currently in service in the Korean Navy, which operates nine domestically built submarines designed by Germany's Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft.

Daewoo International said technical specifications requested from Jakarta were overly demanding.

Russia is considered its major competitor, since it is backed by well-established political ties with Indonesia and an offer of a $1-billion loan. In another negative sign, the incumbent Indonesian defense minister is said to be pro-Russian.

In the end, the second bid is likely to be a duel between Korea and Russia, according to informed officials, with the other two bidding countries skeptical about Jakarta's request on price cuts.

This is not the first time of the year that Korea has staggered in such a bid. In February, the Korea Aerospace Industries, Korea's only aerospace firm, lost in a competition to supply next-generation military jet trainers to the United Arab Emirates. The Middle Eastern country selected the M-346 by Italy's Alenia Aermacchi as the preferred bidder in the $1.3 billion deal.

Daewoo is planning to enter the second round of bidding for the subs, hoping to take advantage of ties cultivated since the establishment of its Indonesian unit in 1976.

Some say that the sub sale is not worth the effort.

``The government seems to believe the defense industry can be a lucrative field, but that's a myth when the whole world is absorbed in contracting related budgets,'' military critic Kim Seong-jeon said.

``The T-50 and the Chang Bogo, the problem is just the same. As long as we don't have enough core technologies in the business in comparison with many other advanced countries, exporting them is no better than just exporting a workforce.''

[email protected]


The Bunker Group
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Sandhy Yudha, the latest news (I already put on Navy Thread) show that the Government now finally ( I said Finally since it's coming from both Defence minister and Navy Chief) wants to acquired two subs, with schedulled delivery on 2011.

South Korea and Russia seems became the favorite contenders. This Miltary relations with South Korea really becomming interesting with the range of joint venture rangging from possible Fighters, Surface Ships, Submarines, and Armoured Vehicles.
Still the Navy did not want Changbogo since it's not much diiferent from current U 209 already in the inventory.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
Sandhy Yudha, the latest news (I already put on Navy Thread) show that the Government now finally ( I said Finally since it's coming from both Defence minister and Navy Chief) wants to acquired two subs, with schedulled delivery on 2011.

South Korea and Russia seems became the favorite contenders. This Miltary relations with South Korea really becomming interesting with the range of joint venture rangging from possible Fighters, Surface Ships, Submarines, and Armoured Vehicles.
Still the Navy did not want Changbogo since it's not much diiferent from current U 209 already in the inventory.
Yes, i've found it some minutes ago...
If it indeed will become some Modified Type 209-1300, it will be as capable as our 401 and 402...a refurbished 30 years old design.. :'(