Indonesia: 'green water navy'


The Bunker Group

Basically it is ussualy a confirmation that the assets contract already effective and the commencement of the assets on progress. The Mother Ship has been contracted as being inform from my previous post before.

This is quite larger variances then usual DSRV before that put 20-30 pac for one flight of rescue capacity. Getting up to 50 pac means their aim on one flight rescue as much as possible. Which's then giving to the concept "one our, all out".

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
An article about another possible humanitarian mission to deliver aid and medical care to wounded Palestinians. Over the past two months, the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) have prepared their assets and personnel, including two hospital ships.



The Bunker Group

TNI Chief just put one TNI AL Commodore (or First Admiral in TNI AL term) to head Task Force Preparation Frigate Integration. This task force job is to coordinate with Fincantieri and Marina Militare for preparation and delivery of 2 FREMM equivalent Frigate to Indonesia.

Don't ask me why, but officially MinDef and TNI still classified PPA as FREMM equivalent Frigate Type. I suspect because they previously already sign preliminary contract for FREMM and when they change it PPA, they simply reclassify PPA as Frigate equivalent or similar to FREMM. Thus not changing much from budget allocations approval.

From that article seems the schedule so far still the same with 1st PPA Schedule in October this year, and 2nd one will be in April next year.


The Bunker Group

As ussual when Indonesian MinDef already shown an asset in their online media, means either the assets already in serious contender or already in delivery process. Seems this as confirmation that they are really in preparation to bring the 2 contracted PPA.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member

As ussual when Indonesian MinDef already shown an asset in their online media, means either the assets already in serious contender or already in delivery process. Seems this as confirmation that they are really in preparation to bring the 2 contracted PPA.
Small amounts of multiple frigate classes in a fleet is impractical and expensive, but because they were originally built for the Marina Militare, at least these two frigates will be delivered in Light + configuration instead of completely FFBNW. From which i understand the first one will be delivered in October, and the second one in the first halve of 2025, right?


The Bunker Group
The schedule officially still in October 24 and April 25.


On the matter with Leonardo, PAL already also sign agreement with their electronics div. This seems confirm the previous speculation on Leonardo asside getting Gun project, they got also sensors and radars project, for FMP Frigate.

Thus shown that asside Turkiye (Aselsan+Roketsan), Italian (Leonardo) also got substantial projects in FMP. This if implemented make FMP also shares equipment specs with PPA.


The Bunker Group

Found this on YouTube of the AP Archive video of Indonesian Navy Sverdlov Cruiser RI Irian. After Soeharto all Indonesian Navy ships has prefix of KRI. However during Soekarno era it's prefix is RI.

Put it here, as video showing this Cruiser is quite rare, especially the video that has not dubbed by various Indonesian Vloggers. Seems this is an occasion when a Soviet Navy Brass coming on board RI Irian. The talk (on other media) that some Soviet Navy officers also still in the Cruises by that time, to help train Indonesian crews.

This Cruiser has hull number 201. Hull number 2 has not been used by Indonesian Navy until now again. Hull number 3 so far is the largest prefix numbers being used. 3 as prefix indicating as Escort Flotillas. Some say when Indonesian Navy getting AAW Destroyer, then the Hull number 2 will be used again.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member

TNI Chief just put one TNI AL Commodore (or First Admiral in TNI AL term) to head Task Force Preparation Frigate Integration. This task force job is to coordinate with Fincantieri and Marina Militare for preparation and delivery of 2 FREMM equivalent Frigate to Indonesia.

Don't ask me why, but officially MinDef and TNI still classified PPA as FREMM equivalent Frigate Type. I suspect because they previously already sign preliminary contract for FREMM and when they change it PPA, they simply reclassify PPA as Frigate equivalent or similar to FREMM. Thus not changing much from budget allocations approval.

From that article seems the schedule so far still the same with 1st PPA Schedule in October this year, and 2nd one will be in April next year.
They are now preparing a task force to bring the PPA frigates to Indonesia.
TNI AL Siapkan Satgas Pengambilan Dua Kapal Perang dari Italia (


The Bunker Group

MinDef Inspector General for Defense Potential conducting visit to couple Batam Private Yards. This is already several days old, but this move shown the strategy to get Indonesian Private Yards to work out with Overseas Yards for MinDef orders. This is something that been discussed in this thread before on the limitations of PAL as main MinDef defense yards, for conducting the orders.

The first one Palindo that currently work with Fasmer and Abekin-Rasmusen for Oceanography Research vessels, that's also being slotted as DSRV mother ship. Before that Palindo already work out Fast Missiles Boats and Patrol Boat of 40m and 60m.

The second one Citra was before asside working for 40+m Patrol Boats, also working with Bakamla/Coast Guard 80m OPV. The MinDef post put something interesting that this shipyard being prepared for potential Turkiye-Indonesia defense project.


Mindef site in YouTube, X, FB, Instagram put video on Scorpene production in Indonesia. Seems again if they already put this in their online media, it is clossing in on effective commencement program.
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The Bunker Group

Keris FB put more photos on OPV 90 (which actually 98m), including stern door for Rhibs. If all armaments and SEWACO being put as planned, then it's practically more Corvette then OPV. This two will be trials in my opinion on the design. If work, then I suspect they can be work out as replacement for ex East German light Corvette Parchim.

The design can be build and replicate in other local shipyard, just like KCR 40 and 60 which now also being use as PC 40 and 60. The design can also be use as Coast Guard Cutter. This potentially will be economically suitable to get large patrol vessels in suitable quantities.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
At last some updates and decent images of DRU's OPV-90 program. Thank you for sharing Koxinga and Ananda!

The pennant number also indicates that TNI-AL regards this class as corvettes, and not as simple patrol boats.

For many years a replacement is required for the Parchim Class corvettes, hopefully the OPV-90 is satisfying enough for the navy.


The Bunker Group

Bit reminder on this Noahtu OPV 90 design (below), and Sigma 9814 (being offer several years back by Damen to Vietnam Navy). Similarities on design and dimensions (both design have 98m length and 14m width with 28 knt speed), has create speculation that Damen is actually either silent consultant or Noahtu bought Damen design.

Speculation on just direct copies on Damen design still possible, however considering this is the first attempt for Noahtu on combat ships of this size, personally I bit dubious on that. I tend to speculate Noahtu got external design help.

8 exocets, a 76mm gun and millenium gun, it's certainly not an OPV.
Yes, it's more and more shown as OPV in name only. Perhaps the OPV'ness of this design more on keeping RHIB bays in steern. It's more likely meet Corvette specs.


Well-Known Member
The design can also be use as Coast Guard Cutter. This potentially will be economically suitable to get large patrol vessels in suitable quantities.
There are already the KN Pulau Nipah type design at 80 metres or the KN Tanjung Datu, 110 metres. Is a third type necessary?


The Bunker Group
Bakamla/Coast Guard is going to get new type of Patrol Vessel/Cutter anyway from Japan. Speculation rise whether it is derivative of Hida class,

or Kunigami class


I suspect more on Kunigami class derivative, similar that Japan give to Philippines Coast Guard.

Thus there're in my opinion two cause why Bakamla did not pursue more Large Patrol Ships or Cutter after Nipah class and Tanjung Datu,

1. They don't got enough budget allocations,
2. The two class did not perform as expected.

I tend to see the first one, but the second one also potential happen. The Japanese grant of one ship being rumours also with potential tech transfer to build it with local yards.

My speculation on using that OPV 90 for Coast Guard derivative, more on to doing what China did. Type 56 corvette design also being used for China Coast Guard Cutter, in fact they are now also use Frigates design for Coast Guard Cutter. It is just more efficient on local yards on using similar design for both Navy and Coast Guard. The changing of Coast Guard Cutter toward Naval.combatan can be done more faster, I speculate on Chinese move.


The Bunker Group
Speculation on those two OPV ASW sensors set:

SEA did not elaborate whose the customer, but they say it is two KraitSense ASW system for a customer in South East Asia that has new OPV program. Could be some other South East Asia customer, but the coincidence shown to that two Noahtu OPV 90.

Not really familiar with ASW system, but seems it is quite a compact system for non specialist (general purpose combatan). Yes more and more those two OPV are smell as Corvette.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
I would think that getting an ASW-sensor package from brands/companies we already use or will use, like Hollandse Signaalapparaten/Thales Nederland, Atlas Elektronik, Finmeccanica/Leonardo and Aselsan would be more logic and practical, but if "extremely capable, yet cost-effective, ASW system with a lower footprint, weight and power requirement compared to alternatives" is really true, then it is perhaps understandable that TNI-AL has chosen for this. Specially if they need a new class to replace the Parchims, then 16 × something from a much lower price can be a good choice.


The Bunker Group

KraitSense is basically compact towed array sonar. Thus actually choosing this (if the customer really TNI-AL), then it's actually can be better then most ASW suites they have.


"With a vast coastline and high number of islands within their jurisdiction, as well as a growing underwater threat in the South-East Asian region, bolstering ASW capability is crucial. KraitSense is an agile system that can upgrade their overall capability and we’re delighted to be supplying an end-to-end solution that will help them to deal with increasingly complex threats.”
SEA only says their Southeast Asia customer has vast coastline and high number of Islands. Well it can be Philippines though ;). They also have OPV program with Hyundai.