AMCA project aims to deliver a LO fighter with a MTOW of 20 tons (think of a LO f-16 but with two 90KN engines instead of one 130KN engine), broadly similar to the Japanese ATD-X Shinshin. Aims are realistic in terms of weight & thrust, considering they initially planned LCA to be 5.5 tons but over engineered the airframe to avoid any newbie mistakes. LCA mk2 is supposed to be 6 tons as compared to Gripen NG at 7.2 tons, so IMO they might be able to keep it close to 8-8.5 tons, similar to f-16.AMCA ? I'm not aware of that project. Can you please elaborate a bit on it ? What does AMCA stand for & what is being developed under this project ?
Print News: Pipavav Defence and Offshore EngineeringDuring the quarter, PDOECL signed an MoU with Babcock Group (UK) which will assist the Company in the creation, construction and development of next generation aircraft carriers. Another significant development was the name change of Pipavav Shipyard Ltd. to Pipavav Defence & Offshore Engineering Company Ltd. The name change marks the vision of the Company to enter into other defence segments including the Indian Army and aerospace technology as well as capture greater opportunities in defence and offshore heavy engineering.
Gorshkov set to hit sea maybe till end of this year and the IAC by middle of next year.What is the current status of both the Indian carrier construction program, and the x-Gorshkov? Any photos?
I find the design of the Indian carrier, with the X'd flight deck, to be very interesting as a way to potentially increase the number of sorties on a relatively "small" carrier. DFO![]()
MMRCA seems to have been going on forever, so who knows if they actually *can* afford it. The ex-Russian carrier hasnt really been that expensive and the cost has been spread over many years. Not sure how much the Mig-29 fleet purchases have cost, but it would probably be quite considerable.I think it's pretty amazing how the Indian MoD can afford refurbishing one carrier, building another from scratch, updating the MiG-29 fleets, co-developing the Sukhoi/HAL PAK-FA/FGFA, AND hosting the MMRCA competition
I recently returned from a trip to India and I have no doubts that they would have trouble financing the projects.MMRCA seems to have been going on forever, so who knows if they actually *can* afford it. The ex-Russian carrier hasnt really been that expensive and the cost has been spread over many years. Not sure how much the Mig-29 fleet purchases have cost, but it would probably be quite considerable.
As for PAK-FA, has the actual % share/R&D contribution of India ever been released?
The PLAN's CV was going to move sooner or later and India I am pretty sure were prepared for that eventuality, they will proceed on with their carrier plan and will hope to remain one step ahead of the Chinese in this area."The ex-Russian carrier hasnt really been that expensive" Oh? The last figures I saw were an estimate of over 2.3 BILLION dollars for that "FREE" carrier. To my limited wallet, that's one expensive free carrier! Plus cost of aircraft, etc.
Obviously the Indians are embarked on a very large military buildup. I wonder how much more impetus they will have now that the PLAN has their one CV at least moving?? DFO![]()
Plus they have the advantage of geography. There's a reason its called the Indian Ocean and they really aren't interested in what goes on in the South China Sea. Both bodies of water are of strategic concern to China.well, even with ONE carrier, the Indians are already ahead, seeing as they do have a carrier support fleet and tenders.
4 and half wars, 4 decades of non stop insurgencies in the last 64 years, ultra nationalist electorate and countless other reasons will insure that the defence spending does not fall, besides low wages allow them to spend a larger share on equipment as compared to other countries. Furthermore an 8-9% growth in the GDP allows them to maintain a healthy annual increase in spending.I recently returned from a trip to India and I have no doubts that they would have trouble financing the projects.
well, Pogosyan (directer of Sukhoi DB) said that tech, intellectual property, and design is 50-50. Then, the HAL director said that India was working on the composites, avionics, and cockpit systems, as well as flight software etc.
Fairly sure the MIG's were included in the price, but even if they werent, 2.3 Billion is still half the price of a new carrier of similar size like the Queen Elizabeth class."The ex-Russian carrier hasnt really been that expensive" Oh? The last figures I saw were an estimate of over 2.3 BILLION dollars for that "FREE" carrier. To my limited wallet, that's one expensive free carrier! Plus cost of aircraft, etc.
The Indians are well ahead, they have developed doctrine and fully trained and experienced pilots. However, the PLAN also have support ships, so you cannot use that as an example of Indian superiority, if anything I wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese support ships were actually newer and in better condition.well, even with ONE carrier, the Indians are already ahead, seeing as they do have a carrier support fleet and tenders.
That is not what he said, he said ultranationalist 'electorate', aka. the population.ultranationalist?
are you insinuating that the Indian government is some sort of neo-Fascist movement?
Fascist is not a synonym of Ultranationalist.ul·tra·na·tion·al·ism /ˌʌltrəˈnæʃənlˌɪzəm/ Show Spelled[uhl-truh-nash-uh-nl-iz-uhm] Show IPA
extreme devotion to or advocacy of the interests of a nation, especially regardless of the effect on any other nations.
Most likely, yes. They are installed on [ame=""]Talwar class frigate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:INS_Talwar.jpg" class="image" title="INS Talwar"><img alt="INS Talwar" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/0/06/INS_Talwar.jpg/300px-INS_Talwar.jpg[/ame] class frigates as, do you think India will use the KASHTAN CIWS system on its indigenous carriers?
Similar size? 50% greater displacement.Fairly sure the MIG's were included in the price, but even if they werent, 2.3 Billion is still half the price of a new carrier of similar size like the Queen Elizabeth class.
true true, but right now only 4 Otobreda 76mm guns have been confirmed, which is kinda surprising because they have a relatively slow RTF when compared to the PHALANX or other Gatling-based point defense systems.Most likely, yes. They are installed on class frigates as well.
btw Migs were never included in the price to begin with. The Spanking new Ks would never have come free like the carrier was supposed to(initially)Similar size? 50% greater displacement.
Cavour was 1.4 billion Euros, & is as similar in size to ex-Gorshkov as a QE is.