1. The F-35's internal load will allow it to fly a more stable profile while caring asymmetrical loads (ie after dropping a few PGMs).
2. As a general rule, the heavier something is the less it is affected by outside influences (wind buffet, gun vibration, etc).
Sorry for the late reply Ive been busy...Ohh yeah, wasn't trying to dodge, just 10 minutes ago was like so 1980s. Well still the same issues in particular the weight. The F-35 is around the same side surface area as an F/A-18 but about 30% more weight. Similar relationship with the F-16. Harder to move with cross winds and turbulence.
I agree that weight has a factor, but here was me thinking that stability of an aircraft comes from things like CofG, Moment of inertia, wing sweep, dihedral, taper (general wing design actually) and the design of the FCS... The fact that the F-35 has all of its weight wrapped tightly around its core could potentially make it less stable in roll than some other types....Its going to be impossible for any of us to put a number to it anyway...
Spud - given what you are trying to argue wrt assymetry will not the F-35's non symmetric gun placement make it less stable than the centreline arrangement of say an FA-18 or an A-10?... I also highly highly doubt that in a pure CAS mission that the F-35 will not fly with external stores, else its going to be limited to 2 bombs which is just dumb, unless in an high threat scenario. Fact is that assymetry is not that big a deal, otherwise you would see all those FA-18's flying around goofy configured.
Abe thats a nice video but isnt going to produce good weapons effects with a 20mm cannon, however i guess you got me!!