It would cost a heck of alot more that $100,000.00 to upgrade the M113A3 to a standard level of current IFVs and newer APCs. I have my doubts about the armor level of protection found on IDF M113s like the Zelda 2 series, they claim that it can take a hit from a AT4 Spigot or AT5 Spanderel anti tank missile, to me that is a tall order because of reasons that I posted earlier. Also you have to keep in mind that the IDF is using basically tank hulls for troop haulers now with even a newer designed one called the Namer. I am not biased against the M113 series vehicles, again I will state that they are useful in secondary roles and our military feels the same way, it is not a conspiracy to field the Stykers like some of the Yahoos in our country may think.After rereading Simon 9s post#151 in response to chinos post regarding Mike
Sparks as well as other contributors including Col Hackworth also a hero of mine who i felt had the nads to speak up for what he felt was most effective both in terms of weaponry and tactics.
Have i misudged whats really going on here /That in effect this is really an argument about wheeled vs tracked vehicles and the trend for the future of US weaponry> will the light/med armor be tracked or wheeled which is why
this Mike is so reviled as is these other guys among them milt sparks ,Carlton meyer and apparently no less a personage than Col David Hackworth Who aparently advocates tracked vs wheeled lighty armor?
This is a site diametricaly opposed to tracked light armor instead believing
wheeled vehicles superior am I on the right TRACK here?Which is why in spite of my initaial attempst to have a friendly discussion was called Mike?I get it!
By the way i am indeed a tracked vehicle diehard for the following reasons.
Mobility and survivability.I wont get stuck and immobile and easy target for the enemy.If my wheels on a wheeled vehicle are shot to pieces as they will be by even LMGs. With a tracked vehicle,particularly the modernizd tracks of the M113 solid rubber tarcks with interior stel cables which are as close to permenent as is posible and very resistant to kinetic energy weapons as well as explosives which wheeled vehicles arent no matter how sophisticated you clsim they are against damage the still cannot afford the same traction mobility
s much s i know this forum despis the m113 i will repeat wht the israelis have done with thier m113s while we and to a lesser extent the Canadians have ignored at the peril of our troops.
All over the internet just google a site for yourself if you must have referencs
As your aware the israelis encounter a very similar situation to own nevery day as we do in irag/Iran.So as a result
IMI developed a nw passive hybrd armor designd to counter common iEDs and the sophisticated EFPs allegedly supplied by Iran.The Hybryd pasive armor is supllied in modular form for add on M113 armor w/replaceble modules if damaged.The passive armor dssipats cemicl energy weapon and kinetic energ weapons such as gnfie and efps incliding multiple hits providing 45-60mm equivalent homogenous rolled armour plate.
At a cost of $100,000 including automotive upgrades the armor i in kit form and can be applied in the field in a few days.IMI is calling thir upgraded M113 theUrban fighter.Retaining the cross country mobility tracked vehicles are known for as well as deep water fording capability in an APC/IFV w/superior ant-ied/efp/RPG protecton s well as MRAP (Mine resistant ambush protection)
in a 60mph mobile platform unlike a wheeled platform offroad.And with 360degree visibility for the commander and crewman/gunner.The US and canadian Military are slowly relearning old lesons.
I think this should quiet most of the vociferous criticism of the M113 s an effective upgradable lethal /survivable vehicle for far less $$ tha an armored humvee.I fail to understand the hostility towards the weapons isnt often the Israrelis waste $$ on junk and since the palestinian insurgency virtually mimicks that of iraq xcept on intensity.
So please answer me in concrete terms why the m113 is such an inferor vehicle for its size an d cost and what IS the answer at these prices or similar.
i know a reply will be $$ isnt important live s are but Im afraid there isnt enough $$ or armor to ensure zip csualties or prove me right that this site is simply an anti tracked vehicle site when it comes to IFVs /APCs light armor as I know suspect. I wasa asked for concrete answres ive given them now return the favor on the economy and suitability of the stryker and Humvee
paticularly the survivability of the humvee and the moblity/ amhib of the stryker.
Also Ive ben infomd that all the negativs ive encountered on the net are somehow almost completely under the control of This Mike and retired group of Mil officers etc.
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