Supe said:
You're doing your part (guerrilla PR?) for the Collins supported with logic and interesting anecdotes but the Gov needs to do more.
The ultimate irony of course is that RAN is quite happy for a potential enemy to think otherwise.
Just a couple of hints.
- In the last 5 years of Underwater Warfare Confs I've attended, all of the major miltech companies have had articles promoting the fact that their gear is on Collins (even the Swedes have the cheek to promote Collins as their success when we had to fix their stuff ups with local solutions)
- I've had people from EB, NG and Boeing (they do have involvement with subs) tell me that they regard it as the best conventional in the world - in fact I had one bloke from EB proudly show me a report he'd written 8 years prior stating that in his view it would be the best fleet and HK conventional in the world. He was using it as an argument that the USN should buy into ASC so as to get access to local knowledge. He argued 9 years ago that the problems that the press were getting loud about was irresponsible and demonstrated a complete lack of appreciation of ship building issues - and this was from an outsider.
- The much touted Visby was "tuned" by the Australian company that built the sig management system for Collins. The swedes were having trouble lowering the acoustics and we were contracted to retune the hull.
The tech developed to sig manage the Collins is in 3 other navies, and it's on 2 nukes for trials. We've had 4 navies get rejected who wanted to buy the sig management solution, but we were concerned about jeopardising the technology and having it leaked,
As far as politics goes though, when the AWD selection process was on, Steve Bracks came out in public with some absolute rot about the subs and quality of build. I got so cranky that I wrote up a 2 page response and hauled him over the coals for being ignorant - he shut up after that and didn't complain about ASC or the Collins anymore.
So, we get caught between a rock and a hard place, let a potential enemy know that we can smack them on our terms, let the public know that they got more than their monies worth - let navy know that its not good enough them knowing what we can do at a combat and technology level in service - but also "advertise" externally a bit more. Its a fine line.
You can't exactly come out in public and say - look we know that this other countries submarine is as noisy as buggery as its decibel rating was xx higher than ours and that we followed them for 400km and they didn't know we were there. The yanks and the poms follow other countries subs routinely and you never hear about it - as they don't care what people think about them, They just get on with the job.
WRT to this issue about the USN - I've yet to come across any serving officer in the USN who talks up their capability.
In fact, most officers in most navies are consumate professionals and don't give a toss about internet chatter. Some of the stuff thats promoted as fact about capability is absolute rot - and I suspect that people like RickUSN and Weasel just gag in their chairs at some comments.
on a side note, there's a particular class of Kilo that is nicknamed "the Kenwood"
needless to say, its decibel levels are somewhat tragic .