The Bunker Group
What should we call people that live in land of Palestine, if not Palestinians ? Palestine is always inhabited by Chistian, Muslim and Jews for centuries even milenia. Contrary to some idea that circulate especially in Right Wings West, there are always Jews that stay in Middle East. Off course it is burried by Zionism that try to sell "idea" Arabs evicting Jews from Middle East centuries ago.Because the slogan says "Palestine" not "Palestinians".
It clearly refers to the geographical location and not the people living in it (for me because that is what it actually says).
From River to The sea is used by both Israelis and Palestinians politicians. So those who say the slogan is antisemitic clearly ridiculously cherry picking to side track only Israel has the right to live between river and sea. The Idea for Palestinians being free is clearly antisemitic and worthy to be call genocide to Jews. Burying the fact before Euro Zionist come, there're already Jews in Palestine. Just not Jews that live in Euro Zionism values.

After all this is antisemitics now begin to be push. Those who doesn't follow and against Israel Zionism agenda, is antisemitic.
This is what IDF try to sell whose Hamassies to the world. Basically everyone in Gaza, including civilians that try to find food and doctors that dare to give medical treatment in Gaza.