Greek and Turkish jets 'collide'

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Banned Member
KWSN-Men said:
Engagements like this happen almost every day over the Aegean, some days with tens of incidents. If you think about it, the accident ratio is quite low.
The point is these aircraft should never be in this position to begin with. If Hellenic pilots didn't have to intercept un-IDed inbounds this wholse issue would be resolved. The fact that they want to play tag with poor SA just compounds the problem.


New Member
1- The engagement happened in Mediterenean Sea.,27.833862&spn=2.955147,5.372314&t=h&om=1
(thx saladdin for making a google map)

2- Greek sources had full info of Turkish flight and its route (as usual) via NATO Hq had they wanted to check they would.

3- After they IDed Turkish planes,checking their weapons load to see if they pose a threat (Like US aircraft did to russian bombers in skies off Alaska) ,they could have flown in a safe distance, but they rather preferred to engage, which is the main cause of the mishap.

4- Greek sources have not commented on how the accident happened yet.

5- US aircraft fly in locations they shouldnt fly too, including Aegean FIR and they dont report to Athens ? Whats with the hypocricy? Americans have right to Fly over Aegean and Med not informing involving FIR but TuAF which has shores on these seas cannot?
Q: Since you have recognized the Athens FIR a few moments ago so-called something which has been granted to Greece via the (inaudible) Convention, I wonder, do you recognize the Athens FIR? And number two, what is the relation between DoD and (inaudible)?

A: By using the term so-called, I was using that to give its full name. The FIR is called the flight information region. I didn't mean to minimize its importance in any way. But our policy towards the FIR is unchanged. We recognize that as a commercial flight zone that does not apply to military flights. U.S. military flights I should say.
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