Trick question.

There are no high quality ADF boots. The army stopped issuing the old GP boots at the end of 2000. In 2001 the first of the new generation boots, called Redback Terras, were just being issued, and they have caused no end of problems because they are, to be frank, complete and utter crap.
All Australian infantry are expected to cover long distances on foot, because we have traditionally been a light infantry force. That's what it makes it all the more criminal that the contract was awarded for these defective boots.
The introduction of the new boots also coincided with an order from the Chief of the Defence Force personally that no non-issue boots would be worn (or non-issue webbing, packs, or anything else). This basically condemned infantry throughout the army to a wide variety of foot problems because they've been forced to use these boots.
The top brass have steadfastly denied there is anything wrong with either the boots or the army equipment complaint system.
There was, for a brief period, an excellent boot issued to a few army personnel called the Taipan. I have a pair issued by the army, they are the best boots I have ever had. But I'm not allowed to wear them any more because they are not Terras. The army's logic is that the Taipans are too expensive, even though they last as long as three pairs of Terras and so are probably cheaper in the long run - not to mention that they won't cripple a soldier for life like the Terras can.