Future Energy Pathways

John Fedup

The Bunker Group
It comes with a cost. BEVs weighing more than equivalent ICE vehicles. That has the effect of making tire life lower (in combination with the torque) and a number of areas are looking to slap restrictions due to potential road damage particularly on the larger BEVs. Like the pickup trucks and SUVs.
It’s not only tire, a friend had to spend a large sum of money redoing his Tesla’s suspension, again a consequence of weight.


Well-Known Member
It’s not only tire, a friend had to spend a large sum of money redoing his Tesla’s suspension, again a consequence of weight.
I know a lot of people having Tesla, and none of them have had issues with suspension (mainly Model 3 and Y, also some Model S and X) and I have also owned a Tesla myself for 3 years now, and not experienced any issues with suspension. Of course some people have experienced issues with suspension, like your friend, but it may not be as widespread as some may think.