F-35 Program - General Discussion


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And the F15SE is a proposed aircraft from Boing initially for the ROK and has yet to date have a buyer. It's an updated F15 using conformal fuel tank, internal weapons bays, angles, coating etc to give it 5th gen appeal.
Doesn't the F-35 long term, pretty much replace everything including Super Hornets and F-15's (some roles)?

Isn't the future pretty much just F-22 / F-35 for the US.


Grumpy Old Man
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Verified Defense Pro
Doesn't the F-35 long term, pretty much replace everything including Super Hornets and F-15's (some roles)?

Isn't the future pretty much just F-22 / F-35 for the US.
the end state for the US to 2030-2045 is F22, JSF and UAS


Grumpy Old Man
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Verified Defense Pro
I would have thought F/A-XX would fit into that timeframe as well (at least theoretically)???
yes. they stay in past 2035, but not projected to be volume builds etc....

focus is on minimising disparate platforms and remaining core platforms to all have a degree of operational sympathy across their capabilities

ie less niche issues in the pointy end of the fleet(s)....


Well-Known Member
yes. they stay in past 2035, but not projected to be volume builds etc....

focus is on minimising disparate platforms and remaining core platforms to all have a degree of operational sympathy across their capabilities

ie less niche issues in the pointy end of the fleet(s)....
I see. I suppose you also have to factor in the effects of any delays/complications that will inevitably affect the fielding of said platforms...


Grumpy Old Man
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Verified Defense Pro
I see. I suppose you also have to factor in the effects of any delays/complications that will inevitably affect the fielding of said platforms...
same problem for all militaries now

cut down disparate platforms and minimise platforms where common overlap starts to make them questionable.

the RTS/METS equation bites everyone in the end - even the US :)


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F35 first airborne internal gun testing

WASHINGTON — For the first time, a US Air Force F-35 fighter jet has successfully fired its internal gun from the air.

The aerial gun test marks another milestone in the Pentagon's effort to certify the F-35A's internal 25mm Gatling gun. Lockheed Martin released a video Monday of F-35 test pilot Maj. Charles “Flak” Trickey firing the first aerial gun burst from the four-barrel weapon.

F-35 Fires Gun During Aerial Test for First Time



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F35 data smuggler sentenced to jail time

WASHINGTON — A former Connecticut resident has been sentenced to 97 months in jail for attempting to send sensitive technical data on the F-35 engine to Iran.

Mozaffar Khazaee, 61, was sentenced Oct. 23 to 97 months of imprisonment followed by three years of supervised release, according to a recent Pentagon Inspector General statement. Khazaee also was ordered to pay a $50,000 fine.

Between 2009 and 2013, Khazaee tried to send secret U.S. defense technology to Iran, according to the release. Khazaee, a dual citizen of Iran and the United States, with a degree in mechanical engineering, was employed by three different defense contractors between 2001 and 2013.

Although the statement did not name his employers, engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney has confirmed that Khazaee was an employee of theirs during this period. Pratt manufactures the engines for both the F-22 and F-35.

“Mozaffar Khazaee betrayed his defense contractor employers and the national security interests of the United States by stealing and attempting to send to Iran voluminous documents containing highly sensitive U.S. defense technology,” said Deirdre Daly, United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, according to the statement.


Well-Known Member
Haha they actually hire immigrants in such sensitive positions? Boggles the mind.
Nothing wrong with immigrants in sensitive positions as long as the appropriate background checks are done, it's not just those from overseas one has to weary about native citizens have also committed treason in the past. It's about having systems in place to try and prevent such events from occurring, but we're theirs a will there's a way.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Haha they actually hire immigrants in such sensitive positions? Boggles the mind.
In the UK, I believe almost all of the 7/11 bombers were 2nd generation Brits. And we did fight this inconvenient war with the IRA for thirty years - all of whom were holders of UK passports from birth.

Background checks. background checks ...


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
Nothing wrong with immigrants in sensitive positions as long as the appropriate background checks are done, it's not just those from overseas one has to weary about native citizens have also committed treason in the past. It's about having systems in place to try and prevent such events from occurring, but we're theirs a will there's a way.
ironically most of the ITARs breaches are from CONUS companies... where the security should be in order.... the amount of restrictions that apply re ITARs on other countries really stacks the weights for "locals" getting their act together far more than friendlies


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45 F35s delivered in 2015

WASHINGTON — Lockheed Martin delivered 45 F-35 fighter jets to US and international armed forces in 2015, meeting the production goal for the year, the joint program office announced Monday.

“Delivering the most F-35s in program history is a clear demonstration of our growing maturity and stability,” said Lorraine Martin, Lockheed Martin F-35 program manager, according to a statement. “Congratulations to the entire government and industry team for their work to deliver 45 aircraft.”

The 45 joint strike fighters include 26 F-35As for the US Air Force, two for the Royal Norwegian Air Force and one for the Italian Air Force plus eight F-35Bs for the US Marine Corps and eight F-35Cs for the US Navy.

Lockheed Martin Delivers 45 F-35s in 2015


Banned Member
Is it normal/usual to produce hundreds of aircraft and deliver to other countries before the aircraft is cleared for full operational capability?


Active Member
Staff member
Is it normal/usual to produce hundreds of aircraft and deliver to other countries before the aircraft is cleared for full operational capability?

The F35 program has certainly been Unique in the ways it's been developed/produced. The foreign aircraft are all being based at Luke AFB now and used for their training squadrons


Super Moderator
Staff member
Is it normal/usual to produce hundreds of aircraft and deliver to other countries before the aircraft is cleared for full operational capability?
Typhoon...we're onto tranche 3a and still adding capability. F16-A - no jammer, no BVR capability...

And hey, every Russian aircraft in the last thirty years has gone IOC with entire bits missing.

These aren't prototypes - they're production aircraft with a planned program of upgrades available. The airframe and engine have thousands of hours on them (and remember, the Tornado went into production with about 3K hours testing - F35 has 17K hours testing so far on the engine alone)

PAK/FA hasn't flown with a production engine yet, but is still slated for IOC in 2018 I think?


Software defines the jet's capabilities. Block 2B software provided the basic functionality the Marines required for IOC. The USAF will go IOC with block 3F, same with the Navy. As the software will be upgraded throughout it's service life, interspersed with periodic hardware refreshes, full operational capability will be a moving target..

the road runner

Active Member
Was just watching a video on myths about the JSF and thought i would share with the forum

Episode 1


Episode 2


Episode 3


When people ask you why the JSF is a dud just link them !

One point that stood out was the 1 trillion dollar cost for the JSF program out to 2065.... if the existing capability of F-15/ F-16 /F-18/ A-10 ect were to be kept in service it is estimated the cost of the older 4th gen fighters would be around 4 Trillion dollars to fly out to 2065