ren0312 said:
Well if you would look at Germany, its industries are also going to China due to very high wages there, that is also the reason for its high level of unemployment, plus it is very hard to fire workers there, this makes employers hesitant to hire more labour when the economy recovers, thus leading to a high natural rate of unemployment even when the economy is expanding at 3 per cent, the reason why Denmark has a lower unmemployment rate is because of its flexible labor laws, and also because at 28 per cent, its corporate tax rate is lower than Germany, this despite it being a welfare state.
He he he, always funny to read this "germany is almost part of the third world by now"-stuff in foreign news and hearing it from foreigners. If i would believe what they say about Germany on CNN and all those other american or british news stations, i'd have to wonder how well everything here is still going.
German economy is still pretty much doing ok. The unemployment rates virtually only apply on the very low qualification sector. With a decent diploma in your poket you still get a good job in a german company, working in Germany, not in China or anywhere else.
The companies are even complaining that they can't find enough engineers to hire here. The demand is hughe. No wonder with the german companies still being world leaders in export since a long time and the machine building industry still growing about 8 % every year.
They did even send headhunters to my university to hire students that haven't even graduated yet. I was offered 2 jobs as an engineer when i just was in my second year of university.
Also there are massing news and reports in the last years about companies moving their production facilities from eastern Europe, the USA and Asia back to Germany because they missed either the german infrastructure or the availability of well educated working force.
It was like this with the company my father works in. They invested in the USA for more than a decade but disappointed retreated from there because the american hire and fire system virtually only produces badly motivated clerks. They had to move german workers there the whole time to train the americans or to simply do the work themselves and that became way more expensive after a while than just expanding production facilities here in Germany.
And you hear such things from the bigger companies and corporations too.
And the thing with the high taxes is not so easy too.
The rates on the paper may be higher in Germany, but at the same time there are so many possibilities to avoid paying taxes alltogether for big corporations that they didn't pay taxes at all during the last decades.
That is a big scandal and annoys the normal people here very much.
For example i once read that the whole BMW corporation did pay only 14 euros (not 14 millions, not 140000, no just 14.0 euros) in a year, because they were able to use all the little tricks like selling property to itself and stuff like that, to avoid taxes.
Virtually only the little people and the little and middlesized companies are paying taxes here and they still don't leave the country.
But enough being off topic.
I don't see why conscriptors should be worse that professional soldiers. The concept of the "citizen in uniform" that is still applied in Germany makes sense in my opinion.
It is better to have a clever conscript sitting in a tank than a stupid fuckup who only chose a military career because he's afraid of the civil economy or can't make it out there.
In a small army like the german, there is no room for hardly alphabetical cannonfodder like the US forces hire often.