Radio Marya
I myself was in berlin when that awful wall fell and as a german I still have so much respect for any people that rises and overthrows its communist government. And the polish people were some kind of spearhead in the 1980's with their solidarity movement.
But what is happening now there? Them brothers Kazcinsky (sorry, don't know the exact spelling) and the coalition in power are such stubborn people, caught in prejudice and religious conservatism, it's painful to see. So, as the government was elected by the people I suspect the polish people aren't that dynamic and open minded at all. And btw, they still seem to be very anti-german.
But let us leave out the new EU-members for a while: I've been watching the developments towards a joint european army for some years now and I always get the impression that it already works perfectly on an low level, operational basis, but not at all when politicians are involved.
The western european armies all are very well equipped and trained and under the constant budget pressure they developed revolutionary approaches (PPP etc.). During my service with the german army I had the impression I was sourrounded by professionals, no matter what country they were from, french, dutch, italian or british.
There sure are some equipment shortcomings as mentioned before and interoperability issues which could easily be adressed, as the industrial and technological base (and the money) is still there.
And look at the hardware:
Eurofighter, Rafale, Gripen, Tiger, NH 90, Leopard 2, Challenger 2, LeClerc, PHz 2000, F100/F124/Zeven-Provinzien-Class, IRIS-T, ASRAAM, Meteor, Brimstone and so on and so on. State of the art, all of them.
And I personally don't think that all armies have to use (e.g.) the same mbt as long as things as data and ammunition are standardized and that certain chain-of-command issues are clear.
But now look at the politics and the different goals of the respective national defense strategy! The only thing we have in common is that it would be fine (and cheaper) to have a powerful joint army... But what for? What would that army do? Deter potential future enemies? Spread democracy throughout the world? Secure our raw material supplies? Protect french post-colonial interests?
I think if these issues can be solved it would just be a matter of time until we see a working european army that clearly could match about anything in the world.