The Bunker Group
High end products will not comming all from civilan commercial market. The military products of Russia still getting healthy export orders. In fact the questions can also be asked on future of EU military industry, since more and more export market went to US (i,e the US Military Industries slowly but sure continue pressing EU military Industry).What high-end technology does Russia produce and export other than weapons? How many flat screen TV's, hybrid cars, industrial robots, precision machine tools, lap-top computers et al are built and exported from Russia? Once their arms industry withers and dies due to lack of investment and exports, what are they going to turn to? Have you ever seen a Russian 'high-tech' commercial product for sale in a competitive free-market environment, if so tell me, because I haven't.
Will EU Military industries die out..?? I Say no, but definetely can not be saying that EU Military Industry will push out Russian ones, considering they have hard time surviving the US competition.
Again back to original scenario of this thread, the scenarios say that Russia will dominate Oil & Gas market which means that they will still have enoughmoney to Invest on the military Industry.
Even Russian know they do not have healthy commercial industries, but they do have and still have helthy Military Industry.
This debate has moved to area where many Westerners scoorn the ability of Russia to continue improvement base on present situations.
The situations which I must say still far from the hight of USSR, but still show improvement even much slower than like of China.
Having healthy Military Industries means there still employment for their R&D sectors to continue producing. They might be lacked on UAV which can match Predators, but their UAV design was not really far behind.
They still produced world class radars, sensors and missiles, which means those are High End products eventhough not for coomercial civilian market.
Why don't we just wait the outcome of PAK-FA, and then still can decided if the military Industry and R&D of Russia still able to produce High Tech products.
Do you have a clue on what the Chinese products were 14 years ago ??Oh my god, do you have any idea what kind of products the EU produces and what China produces? Do you know what it means to have an "extended workbench"? Are you familiar with the concepts of industrial sourcing? I guess not.
And still, please provide a perspective on why the economical dominance over Russia would possibly change within 14 years.
Off couse I know the concepts on Industrial Sourcing, Off couse I know the arguments that eventhough Chinese products flooding the market, but basically its western products build in China.
However those arguments also ommited the fact that while they producing under western contracts from western Multinationals, but the Chinese original manufactures also producing products that continues clossing gap with the well known commercial brand from Europe, Japan, Korean, or US.
Perhaps not all of those products entered the European market yet, perhaps if they do, the will not sell wel yet in the industrialized countries. However they begin to make significant chunk of Japan and Korean brand in Asian Market. While in the same time majority EU products lossing out in Asia, in which many agree the fastest growing market in the world. Face it the only existing EU products that still have strong name in Asia are the kind like Mercedes Benz, BMW, and Nokia. The rest slowly lossing out.
It's open to arguments if any global producers that lossing out in Asia will continue be a strong global brand in the future.
They're building the bases, and again like I said 14 years from know, they do have potential to replaced existing brand name. Will the existing brand manage to survive ?? perhaps..but also there's possibility on lossing out.
I'm putting China as example only to show, rapid improvements from a country that demeed as backward, can with the right condition and investment turn their industrial ability and R&D from laughable to something to be considered in short time.
Russian average citizens wellfare are much bellow EU ??? Well depends on which EU....However so Does average Chinse, but this does not stop them to continue Improved.
Your comment on Russia is on lower end..the higher end will be by people that support BRIC view. I'm on the other hand in the middle.
I'm not saying that Russia will dominate Europe (like BRIC supporters do), but I'm also not saying EU will dominate Russia either.
And back to scenarios'...That's why I'm saying EU can not take on Russia militarily alone without US of A.
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