Theres that narow minded thinking again AD. This scenario doesent have to be in terms that aproximate what happened in Timor. What if we were more or less alone in opposing chinese backed rebeles or a faction? What if the chinese were attempting to supply this faction in order to spread influence??? We would attempt to interdict these suppies, in as peacefull a manner as possible. Chinese rachet up the pressure by sending in a CBG. I dont see whats so infantile about this scenario. Were not shooting at each other. But i'm sure we would have air cover for our troops on the ground. And if things happen to spin out of control and the opposing aircraft engage each other i would find it hard to believe that the PM would authorise a huge maritime strike on the CBG, which i agree would be devistating. This is alot more likely than using the colins and a huge maritime strike to kill thousands of chinese sailors and airmen over a small clash between fighters. IIRC PROC and the USSR had some serious border clashes, but niether of them took drastic action. And i would call sinking a CBG drastic.
So would I, but once again, what is the point of the air clashes? Why are the Chinese attempting to destroy our aircraft, or vice versa? Once we start or get into a shooting war at that level (the highest level we'd have been in since Korea) the gloves will have to of come off. You want to debate specific comparative aircraft capabilities in an unrealistic operational scenario whilst ignoring, other real world realities.
Wonder where we've seen THAT before?
FYI, we had Collins deployed off Timor during Interfet during a MUCH lower level of threat, yet here we are with a mythical Chinese CBG off the coast, for god knows what reason, we've deployed tactical fighters and presumably at least GCI capabilities, if not AWACS, AAR, GBAD, but we can't use a Collins or 2?
Our PM might be "reluctant" but he's not stupid.
Your still looking at this through a defence of australia situation. In every conflict, no matter how limited, do the opposing forces use all the means at there disposal??? You seem to think so. It seems historical leaders have for the most part had a tad more restrainet than you though.
Check our White Paper my friend. DoA is THE most important role for ADF. I am not naive enough to believe that the ADF deploys it's full range of assets on EVERY single deployment, a cursory look at any of it's deployments confirms this, but this scenario WOULD require a massive deployment on an unprecedented scale of virtually every capability ADF possesses.
However given that you ARE talking about an UNPRECEDENTED operational scenario as far as ADF is concerned, going head to head single handedly against a "first world power" without any outside assistance. Assuming ADF did for some reason not deploy the assets it did even dduring INTERFET, Do you honsetly think the ADF would NOT reinforce itself given the OBVIOUSLY detectable and threatening CBG heading it's way?
Furthermore, have we deployed our peace keeping force into this volatile threat environment entirely by air? God I hope our Tactrans capability has been enhanced significantly by this time...
Any naval transportation of such a force would be provided with escorts, in the timeline you are referring to, this will mean ANZAC's and AWD's. FFG's, ANZAC's and Collins escorted the Interfet force. How can you SERIOUSLY argue they wouldn't in this scenario, but that we WOULD feel the need to deploy air combat power?
FYI, we didn't employ air combat capabilities over ET, until we decided to let the RF-111's conduct a few photo runs. The Indonesians were extremely unhappy about it, so we stopped. But here you think our "more reluctant than me" politicians are going to authorise interdiction of "Chinese supplies". Again for what reason and with what capabilities you fail to state.
So this statement would be a bit more accurate then AD...
They certainly are. Hence my using it as support. Unless of course you believe ANAO is full of corrupt, incompetent and biased people too...
Sure i agree with alot of APA's arguments, because unlike others i wont simply dismiss them because there unpopular, or because sertain members here reguard them as irrelevent, without justifying that dismissal. The parts i have quoted i've sighted incase you're wondering.
You still havent rebutted any of their main arguments. I did ask you to explain exactly how the RCS reduction in the SH can be exploited in a decisive manner, or the advantages in IR countermeasures the SH is suposadly has, but you've yet to do either. In fact you havent actually rebutted any of the points i've made in the last 5 posts, all you have done is place a present set of sircumstances on a future scenario (i know mate you have a hard time dealing with anythig thats not happening right now, or really really soon), or taken cheap shots at APA. If you disagree with thire arguments then rebutt what there saying. But you havent done that at all, what you have done is attempt to tarnish their credibility without dealing with the substance of the argument. Thats not a basis for an informed bedate my friend, thats just mud slinging.
Tassie, Tod and BiG E, i've gotta go away for the weekend so i'll get back to you in a few days. Have a good holiday everyone, happy easter.
I don't dismiss them, but I find a lot of their "strategic rationale" flawed as well as their "analysis" of comparative air combat capabilities. Re-read a Carlo Kopp article sometime. The SH v Flanker in Jan/Feb 07 Defence Today is a classic example and of course very relevant to our current discussion.
He talks about ALF-41 engines on the Flanker. On face value this gives them a theoretical supercruising capability. Whilst clean, he then admits.
"Clean" isn't a very useful tactical option for a fighter I hope you'll at least agree? Certainly the "clean" Indonesian Flankers at present are not much of a threat are they?
AND this is a potential future development. Just like the AESA radar carrying Flankers, and the Flankers with LO improvements, and a new EWSP which "is" going to surpass that employed by SH and so on and so on.
Every capability except sheer aerodynamic performance NOW, is outlcassed by the SH and even Kopp admits this. It is only the "future possibilities" of the SU series that he states are superior. Of course, no mention of the VERY long list of upgrades the SH IS funded to receive is made, nor the enhanced F-414 engine (Kopp compares the Flankers engine to the F-404 in that article; a technical error, the SH uses the more powerful and efficient F-414) NOR the Block III variant that Beoing is developing.
All of which are options the RAAF would likely pursue IF the SH remains in - service.
I am not an air combat professional. My knowledge of the subject is NOT greater than Dr Kopp's, Peter GOON's an especially ADF's.
APA's strategic rationale and the thinking behind is sufficiently flawed to let those who WILL see, the problems within it.
Does Dr Kopp know an AWFUL lot about radars, networks and related subjects. Undoubtedly.
Can Peter GOON discuss the minutiae of F-111 servicing, I have no doubt he can.
Does this give them any more insight into modern air combat and the capabilities required for it than RAAF?
Not a chance in hell.
Enjoy your weekend though. I am off to work in an hour...