As a strike platform, i agree its a fine aircraft. But i dont think the little goodies the USN is putting on it make up for its poor airdynamic and kenetic performance when we're talking about A2A combat.
This is a fine statement if you wish to push a particular POV. The aircraft IS being acquired as a replacement strike aircraft and not because of it's A2A performance, but lets continue to discuss it's A2A merits shall we?
I suppose however given how soon the SU-30 will be supercruising around the sky thanks to it's AI-41F engines, giving the aircraft "F-22 like" performance, the margin between the 2 will be even greater and the SH won't stand any chance at all...
Of course, WVR A2A combat is dominated by high off boresight missiles and situational awareness measures these days as acknowledged by Dr Kopp, however by most experts other than him, the SH is acknowledged as having advantage in these particular areas, not the SU-30. But that hardly works for his agenda does it?
Is it not reasonable therefore to assume an advantage here to the SH and especially the JSF? Or is aircraft maneuvreability more important than missile maneuvreability?
Because 9G is going to fare well compared to 60G isn't it? Perhaps those "little Goodies" are going to be of more use than "raw aerodynamic performance" eh?
Fact is the PREVIOUS generation of US fighters had the "raw aerodynamic performance" advantages, but now they're largely moving away from it. Wonder why that is? Of course. The incompetence and corruption inherent in USN, USMC, RAF, RAAF and every other air force that doesn't select the F-22 or SU-30 variants.
I didnt say the russian radars were superior, just that (yes with manufacturors data) the BARS has a greater detection range vs RCS then the APG 79, the APG 79 is much more sophistocated and is a better radar. And even if the russian data is overestimated, it cant be to a large/decisive degree. And again this does not alter the core of my argument in the F18E/F vs SUXX in A2A combat debate. The BARS would most likely detect the F18F's before they reached maximum launch range for the AIM120D, and the Ibis has three times the power output, 20kwts, and a huge apature, so that detection range has to be much higher. This new radar will be operational at about the same time the F18E/F is delivered to the RAAF.
Once again, based on "guess work" on manufacturers data released from only 1 side. The Russians. Go to Raytheon's site and see if you can find ANY such data on the APG-79 radar. Fact is you won't. No T/R module counts, no power outputs and most certainly no range figures. The reason for this is because the information is CLASSIFIED. Dr Kopp doesn't have access to it and yet even HE states the APG-79 is superior. I refer you to page 18 in the Jan/Feb 2007 edition of
Defence Today magazine where he writes: "T
he BARS can be supplied with a range of Travelling Wave Tube (TWT) power ratings, but cannot compete with the Super Hornet's liquid cooled APG-79 AESA".
Dr Kopp then goes on to state that, "
a peak power rating exceeding that of the APG-79 is not that difficult to effect, TWT performance permitting", implying that it's merely a matter of time before the Russian radars equip ALL our regional "opponents" and we are once again completely outclassed.
Of course, without knowledge of the performance of the APG-79 that's a pretty bold statement, but hey, let's keep pretending he has his "finger on the pulse" and his detractors in RAAF (who coincidentally HAVE flown in SH's equipped with the AESA radar, unlike Dr Kopp) are wrong shall we?
Of course then the USN announces publicly that the APG-79 has an EA attack capability, not detection but ATTACK capability, at ranges exceeding 160k's, and of course it's written off by armchair experts as a lie, yet Russian claims are gospel...
Were did he say that russian avionics are better than there western counterparts? I've never read that. Anyway thats not part of my argument at all. Its not the russian avionics that are decisive, its the raw performance of their aircraft coupled with the capability of the avionics/sensor systems (yes not as good as the west but still quite capable) that is the argument.
Read Defence Today or Air International lately? The Russian radars are better, their IRST are better, their weapons are better, their range is better, their maneuvreability is better, their aerodynamic performance is better their avionics and networking capability is similar but improving...
The only area's that Dr Kopp grudgingly admits is better on the SH is the front sector RCS, the current APG-79 radar performance, the IDECM EW suite, the computer processing power, high alpha flight regimes and the advanced flight controls of the SH. To that I'd add: weapons capabilities, EO/IR sensor systems, networking and data fusion capabilities.
Seems to me like these advantages make up a bit more in capability than is worthy of being described as "little goodies"...
But this advantage is negated with the introduction of an opponants AWE&C's capability, and a fully armed and tanked SH would have a large RCS in the frontal sector. And even without AWE&C's, the detection range will still be beyond maximum launch range for the AIM 120D, so i dont see how this will be decisive.
Which opponent has AWE&C's capability? India? We get on like a "house on fire" with India. I can imagine us at war with Pakistan, before India. So that pretty much leaves China. Unless you think it likely we'd go to war against Singapore, Japan or South Korea. Because they are the only other Countries with a current or planned AWAC capability in our region.
So what operational scenario are we likely to find ourselves in against China? China deciding they need to launch punitive strikes against us for delivering too much LPG to them? Perhaps they would like to destroy our LPG production facilities off the North West Shelf, because we might decide to forgoe the
$20 BILLION contract we have with them...
If we decide we need to go to war against China in some future invasion of Taiwan scenario? I can see us doing that. No, really, I can...

The Labor Party loves the Chinese and the Liberals want to sell them as much of our national resources as we possibly can. But hey, I'm sure going to war against them won't cost us anything economically, will it?
I agree that ther will give the RAAF a huge advance in capabilities, especially in the strike/maritime strike/CAS role. However the point isnt wether them will increse our capabilities but whether they will be able to provide air superiority against advanced SUXX variants or maintain the qualtitative advantage the RAAF has maintained on a platform basis for half a century. And i dont see how questioning the sepcifics as to how the chosen platforms will achieve this is delusional.
Again, they are being chosen AS a strike aircraft. They are replacing the F-111, which is not currently used as an air superiority aircraft, if I'm not mistaken?
Would you care to discuss the relative merits of Super Hornet v F-111 air superiority potential?