Fine, if someone (be it a country like italy or an organization like NATO) wants croatian navy to patrol a certain area, then they should provide something in return, to cover the costs of everything needed for such a patrol. Building and upkeeping extra ships just for that is throwing money into the wind.
It's not just for that. we have very little patroling ability with current ships. Mirnas are way too small, FACs are cramped, thirsty and also small. We need bigger and newer ships, besides the fact their services might be useful to another country also.
Aircraft don't care if there are 10 islands with 500 km of coastline underneath them or just one with 50 km. 550 km is the only relevant figure here, distance an aircraft must cross from Istria to Prevlaka. Even for ships, total coastline figure is meaningless as they can monitor larger bits of coast from one point, and don't really need to go around islands much, in order to go from north to south adriatic, for example.
That's true, but in the case of war, things change. Then you have a huge coastline which you must defend and patrol with few ships. Not a good idea.
Four bases i mentioned are actually too much. Three are enough. Keep Divulje and establish two more. I am willing to bet anything that making two such bases would be cheaper than building and using several larger ships, not to mention way more effective. Nothing beats aerial surveillance
Like I've said, only one base will be used, atleast until 2015.
ASW capability is absolutely not needed. There is no way croatia could be threatened by submarines of any country that croatia could possibly get into war with.
That is a dangerous preposition. Currently, we have 0 ASW capability. With the demise of our submarine force, the situation only gets worse(damn you, french!:lul ). So, in order to even things a bit, we need some ASW capabilty. Period. So says the navy. Things could get a bit better if we do go for Gripen, since there's a good chance we might be getting 2 of the sweden's Gotheburg corvettes as a part of the deal, which do have some ASW capabilty.
I am asking is just why does croatia need to have ships on the sea 24/7, *in addition* to a good radar network and unmanned aerial surveillance? There is absolutly nothing such ships could detect that other systems can't
That's true, but if your ships are at sea, they can react faster. A ships's place is at sea, not in the harbour.
What is wrong with just having a couple of ships, in couple of strategically positioned bases (newly built if needed) across the adriatic, ready to sail out on moment's notice?
Nothing, but more bases means more personel, just as more ships do. And ships are MOBILE detterents, bases are not.
All those things can be protected by more efficient methods than actually having a police/coast guard/navy ship permanently present out in the sea. If you want to protect croatian trading fleet outside adriatic, you better be ready to make oceanic fleet, and make it huge. There's just no way to protect such ships. No navy in the world does such protection. And, unless Croatia plans to invade some meditarranean country, I see little reason for its navy to sail out of Adriatic. One must be pragmatic and leave heritage to the past.
I agree. Diplomacy is the best language, my own city beeing the best proof for that(although, thast is ancient history
, sadly).
But you must understand few tactical prepositions. Croatia is very vulnerable to a blockade of the Otrant gates(Taranto), because that would virtually stop all trade, tourism(obviously
)... everything. With that in mind, our fleet must be capable of projecting power further from our shore. And we can't do that without any ships, can we?
Keep in mind that Balkans is still a rather shaky place, not that I think anyone could threaten us. But better be ready, then sorry.
I just hope that our submarines will sail again one day...(damn you, french:nutkick ! )