What can your politicans do? Which categories of goods will voters put up with not being able to buy, or having to pay twice as much for?
What the USA needs to do is put its own house in order. The US trade deficit isn't because of China, it's because Americans are living beyond their means, borrowing (largely from China! Look at who buys US bonds) instead of producing. China is, in effect, subsidising the US government deficit by buying US bonds, allowing the USA not to tax Americans. And you think this is something China is doing to harm you?

Tell me, how is the US government going to sell the tax rises, or spending cuts, to make up for the lack of Chinese money currently financing your budget deficit? Who do you think paid for your shiny new F-18E? :nutkick
BTW, the Chinese government sees Chinas trade surplus as a problem, & is trying to boost domestic consumption to bring it down. That's why they're sloooowly raising the exchange rate. But they're scared of the consequences of drastic measures. Don't want the dollar to slump & devalue the $700 billion they have stashed away, don't want to disrupt their own economy, & are terrified of a big turn-down in export industries & any resulting unemployment.