What kind of conflict scenario you guys are envisaging?
1. Local conflict leading to international intervention (read China vs US in case Taiwan formally declares independence, surprise element is with Taiwan/US)
2. Local conflict, China annexes Taiwan (surprise element is with China)
3. A Global conflict involving Sino-Russian alliance vs Taiwan/US/Japan. If you want to muddy the water more, say commies get majority in Indian Parliament and throw their weight with Sino-Russian alliance. (We do have elected commies in two states and they take their orders from Mao - directly from heaven
Scenario 1 and 2 are more likely, while 3 is bit far fetched.
1. Local conflict leading to international intervention (read China vs US in case Taiwan formally declares independence, surprise element is with Taiwan/US)
2. Local conflict, China annexes Taiwan (surprise element is with China)
3. A Global conflict involving Sino-Russian alliance vs Taiwan/US/Japan. If you want to muddy the water more, say commies get majority in Indian Parliament and throw their weight with Sino-Russian alliance. (We do have elected commies in two states and they take their orders from Mao - directly from heaven
Scenario 1 and 2 are more likely, while 3 is bit far fetched.