The Bunker Group

龙芯3A6000是龙芯中科自主研发的最新款桌面CPU,基于自主指令集——龙架构(Loongarch)。集成了4个龙芯自主研发的LA664核心,主频2.5GHz,4核8线程,使用境内12nm可控工艺生产。 几天前我申请到了龙芯中科的3A600…

Found this from Chinese forums. This is in chinese, but it is open to google translate. This is article from Chinese IT media on Chinese Loongson CPU. If the test results is right, then it is already comparable to Intel or AMD latest CPU.
With all talk from Western media seems focus on how US going to block Chinese access on Litigraph machine. To Block Chinese capabilities toward smaller chips production. Tend to forget that what's important for semiconductor business, is who can win in day to day systems operation.
Something that translate to the operation of every day computers, smart phones, mobile devices, cars, planes, ships, etc. That's what matters on building capacities and capabilities on semiconductor business.
Those semiconductor on everyday commercial uses actually have better computing capabilities then most latest military equipment. Look at what Russia did with their military tech, using their own semiconductor that basically equivalent with two decades behind Western ones. Still provide capabilities that consider as smart weapon range. While China increasingly come to par with western ones on market.