Capabilities of Missiles in South Asia

Which missile is the best?

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  • #41
Wait for a month and then you will see that who developed it and how much range it has.Shaheen-II will be tested after a month and i am sure that NDC will complete Shaheen-III very soon.Then speak freely what you want. :)


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gf0012 said:
Sorry, guys , but i think neither shaheen nor Agni is best mssile , the best missile is cruse missile.
There are severe tactical limitations for a cruise missile


there is no "right" missile. each has tactical advantages and disadvantages.

eg I would rather take out a tank formation using a tactical missile than a cruide.

a missile using an atmospheric entry will have a greater kinetic kill level than a cruise missile.

there are a number of other examples of one being superior to the other.

i don;t think you can take out the tank formatoin with blastic missle , becasue ther are not stationary and will move.

Blastic misslies are used for only fixed target not for moving and for moving targets cruse misslies used.

Sorry bro. but you can't take a moving tank formation with blastic missile ,....


Grumpy Old Man
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Verified Defense Pro
mukul said:
gf0012 said:
Sorry, guys , but i think neither shaheen nor Agni is best mssile , the best missile is cruse missile.
There are severe tactical limitations for a cruise missile


there is no "right" missile. each has tactical advantages and disadvantages.

eg I would rather take out a tank formation using a tactical missile than a cruide.

a missile using an atmospheric entry will have a greater kinetic kill level than a cruise missile.

there are a number of other examples of one being superior to the other.

i don;t think you can take out the tank formatoin with blastic missle , becasue ther are not stationary and will move.

Blastic misslies are used for only fixed target not for moving and for moving targets cruse misslies used.

Sorry bro. but you can't take a moving tank formation with blastic missile ,....
Mukul, MLRS are tasked to do just that, the russians have already demonstrated in Chechnya that its possible to take out a moving vehicle with a tactical battlefield rocket, and the Israelis have proved an ability to guide in munitions to individual vehicles.

The US has demonstrated on its Pac test ranges that they can move a missile to a specific GPS co-ordinate in flight.

You wouldn't use a ballistic to take out an individual platform, but you sure would consider it against a moving armoued division/ or an armoured column.

I've seen numerous tactical briefings where future wargaming considered unconventional uses of "conventional" platforms.

If you look at Indias SRBM's I think that if you manage to get the unit commanders "drunk" they will tell you that anti-massed armour is part of the solution mix.

I think you may be confusing the issue, but the tactical delivery of BM's against armoured divisions is well known.


New Member
this what i can called a cruse missiles which are guided by either their internal map and computer or controlled by sattelite comm.

russian uses csruse missiles to kill the man , which is guided by with the help of the his mobile signels.

even US also fired cruse missiles in afganistan , it can also lauch blastic missiles if it only purpose to destroy camps , why it didnt done that why ?

BM is only used against the fixed target ,

please let me knwo if i am wrong


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
mukul said:
this what i can called a cruse missiles which are guided by either their internal map and computer or controlled by sattelite comm.

russian uses csruse missiles to kill the man , which is guided by with the help of the his mobile signels.

even US also fired cruse missiles in afganistan , it can also lauch blastic missiles if it only purpose to destroy camps , why it didnt done that why ?

BM is only used against the fixed target ,

please let me knwo if i am wrong
There has been a shift in tactical philosophy that with current comms abilities that the BM can be used for more precision work.
Cruise missiles don't have the same yield as a warhead on a BM.

If you consider the fact that targeting updates can now happen in seconds as opposed to the old days of 15-30 minutes, then it becomes very viable to use those weapons at a tactical and immediate level. eg against a mobile armoured division.

Some of the US BM's have up to 10 MIRVs in place, so 10 precision guided tactical warheads against massed formations and guided by satellite becomes a very significant multiplier.

You're not wrong, but your assumptions are based on prev concepts.


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  • #47
Most of the cruise missiles were unable to work during Afghanistan war.People were selling Cruise missiles on their carts. :)


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  • #48
Delhi under Shaheen!

While making Shaheen,the care was taken that major cities and military cantts should be within the range of the missile so if "something happens" the work can be done.Has India any Anti-Ballistic Missile system to jam Shaheen???I think no.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro

Faisul_Masud, you are expressing an opinion unless you have supporting links that will assist in constituting supporting evidence.

Please edit your responses accordingly and do not indulge in baiting threads


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  • #50
Originally published in Jang 19 April 1999 by Hanif Khalid.
I am giving the link:

Also giving a piece from that column:
Everyone knows that India has established most of its air bases, cantonments, and Corps headquarters within 300 to 400 kilometers from Pakistan's border. These include the military bases of Pathankot, Halwara, Amritser, Jampur, Chandigarah, Delhi, Jalandar, Ambala, and Rajestan. The distance of Delhi from Pakistan's border is less than 400 kilometers.

Roger Smith

New Member
Faisal_Masud said:
Originally published in Jang 19 April 1999 by Hanif Khalid.
I am giving the link:

Also giving a piece from that column:
Everyone knows that India has established most of its air bases, cantonments, and Corps headquarters within 300 to 400 kilometers from Pakistan's border. These include the military bases of Pathankot, Halwara, Amritser, Jampur, Chandigarah, Delhi, Jalandar, Ambala, and Rajestan. The distance of Delhi from Pakistan's border is less than 400 kilometers.

You claimed "" is an unreiable source in your other posting! :?


New Member
The problem is (I think) that is biased towards certain things while taking an unbiased stance towards others. So its ok for people to call it unreliable for certain things but reliable for other information. :arrow:


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mysterious said:
The problem is (I think) that is biased towards certain things while taking an unbiased stance towards others. So its ok for people to call it unreliable for certain things but reliable for other information. :arrow:
Oh I get it.. so whenever gives facts about realities of pakistan missile program, its unreliable.. but when its used to refer to something not dealing with pakistan - its reliable.. That makes a lot of sense myst. (sarcasm) :roll :idea2


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The link is to a section of The Drudge Report. The report based on previously classified US intel indicates Pakistan possessing 25-35 warheads; India - 10-15 warheads and Israel an impressive 60-80 in 1999

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Indus, I dont think I mentioned any names when I said some of Fas' stuff is biased while other is not. I have no idea why you had to take it in a Indo-Pak context. Please keep clean of personal grudges. Thnx :smokingc:


New Member
mysterious said:
Indus, I dont think I mentioned any names when I said some of Fas' stuff is biased while other is not. I have no idea why you had to take it in a Indo-Pak context. Please keep clean of personal grudges. Thnx :smokingc:
That was because when you PM messaged me regarding what I posted about Pak missile program, you said it was biased anti-pakistani and pro-Indian.. but then when Faisal Mahmud posted something relating to a different subject w/ reference to you agreed it was reliable.. :? :roll :idea2


New Member
mysterious said:
I seriously dont remember PM-ing you! lol :D
Areh bhai.. you dont remeber it was just 2 days ago.

"From: mysterious
To: Indus
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 2:25 am
Subject: Re: renamed chinese missiles
I dont know if you know this, but ask anyone around. ur source, is highly critical of Pakistan and is almost anti-Pakistani and pro-Indian so I dont blame you. You should look for other better sources than "