Capabilities of Missiles in South Asia

Which missile is the best?

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AgniII is technological better than Shaheen.

Both stages of the Agni-II have a solid propulsion system, which allows the missile to be mobile and flexible. This was confirmed, as the test which was conducted on 11 April 1999, was a rail-based missile launcher. The solid-fuel motor in the first stage of Agni-II, is similar to the first stage in the technology test-bed, itself based on the SLV-3 Space Launch Vehicle. However the solid-fuel motor in the second stage of Agni-II, has been reportedly designed anew for the missile. For manoeuvrability and thrust control, the second stage has a flex nozzle which enables small changes in the thrust vector direction in flight. The flex nozzle can be exploited with the help of an on-board closed-loop guidance & control system. Till now, the flex nozzle has been used only in the third-stage motor of the PSLV. At a range of 2000+ km, Agni-II has an apogee (the farthest point from earth) of 405 km, a re-entry speed of 3.9 km/second and a boost phase of 110 seconds. The re-entry vehicle uses its manoeuvring fins to porpoise the warhead, to avoid missile defenses while manoeuvring to its target, employing a terminal guidance radar operating in the C- and S-bands.

The then-incumbent Scientific Advisor to the Government and DRDO Chief, Dr. Abdul Kalam, has said that what is unique about the Agni-II is the trajectory shaping and guidance that is possible through software. Agni-II, has appropriate on-board thrusters fitted on the second stage of the missile. This is because solid fuel is allowed to burn completely, which means that the velocity increment achieved before re-entry could be more or less from the mission perspective. Further, there is considerable dispersion or variation in the burn and thrust time of solid fuels. Any compensation that is given to the missile during its ballistic phase (which happens once the second stage is fully burnt out) should be based on the on-board sensor data and should be amenable to being adjusted reactively. These on-board thrusters are driven by liquid-fuel and provide small increments in the appropriate directions to shape the trajectory depending upon the target of the mission. It is these thrusters that give the manoeuvrability during the missile's re-entry phase. This has apparently been optimised through on-board software which, based on the initial trajectory fed in, does an appropriate velocity trimming. In effect this is a hot gas active velocity correction system.



New Member


Is that the best source you could find? Any credible news from news agencies instead of boasted article from indian "defence" site run by indians who arent in armed forces and like to publish boasted articles about indian armed forces!

FAS has info on shaheen, does it have any on agni? :p


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  • #24
How 'Shaheen' Was Developed
by Hanif Khalid
Rawalpindi Jang 19 April 1999 page 10

As a result of missile tests on 14 and 15 April 1999, after the nuclear test on 28 May 1998, the defense of Pakistan has become invincible. As far as the test firing of the Ghauri-II missile is concerned, it is a gift of the KRL scientists and engineers to the people of Pakistan. Dr. A. Q. Khan is the chief of the KRL. As numerous articles have been published after the first test of the Ghauri missile on 6 April 1998, in these lines I am giving necessary information regarding the famous missile of the National Defense Complex (NDC).

The Prime Minister laid the foundation of NDC during his first tenure in 1993. The objective of this institution was to develop necessary weapons for the national defense. The Shaheen missile program was initiated in 1995 and it was assigned to the NDC. Dr. Samar Mubarikmand is the founder and director general of this institution. In 1995 the work on the missile was initiated for which the then Chief of Army Staff, General Abdul Waheed Kakar himself got the necessary permission from the then Prime Minister. The strategy for this project was that the resources that are available within different institutions must be fully utilized. In addition where possible the services of the national industry must also be used. Only that infrastructure should be created within the National Development Complex for which capabilities are not available within the country, such as developing a certain piece of equipment or part. This gave two benefits. First, the missile was prepared in a record short period of time, and second, it did not cost too much. The facilities and infrastructure available with SUPARCO [Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission] were utilized on their premises. The facilities and infrastructure available within different industries of Pakistan was also utilized to the fullest. The industries of Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Gujrat and other cities were also used.

Before the beginning of this project, the National Defense Complex had a reasonable infrastructure for missile production. After the development of numerous parts of the missile from various places these were brought in the NDC for integration. After passing these parts through the quality control process the missile was developed. Pakistani scientists and engineers, following this procedure, developed Shaheen-I in a short period of two and half years. Shaheen is the only example in the world where a missile of such high technology was prepared in such a short time. At the moment, Pakistan's missile development capabilities are enough to comprehensively meet the national defense needs.

In fact, it can produce double the missiles required for national defense. In the beginning of 1998, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif suggested the name of the missile by taking a cue from the philosopher of Pakistan, Allama lqbal's poetic symbol shaheen (eagle). He also kept in mind the insignia of the Pakistan Airforce, which is also a shaheen (eagle). Fortunately, at the beginning of its missile development program, Pakistan got the services of such Pakistani brains, both inside and outside the country, which can be compared with the best missile scientists and engineers of the world. It is our good luck that just as we have an abundance of talent in the field of cricket, hockey and other fields, similarly we have plenty of talent in the field of technology. The Pakistani nation is an intelligent nation. For the Shaheen Program, Dr. Samar Mubarik gathered the best foreign qualified Pakistani scientists and engineers from within and outside the country under the roof of the NDC. Then he provided them the best work environment and that is the reason that the best missile of South Asia was developed in a record short period.

The Shaheen missile was prepared with the spirit of nationalism. Had Pakistani scientists and engineers including the Director General of the NDC worked for a European country, they would have received hundreds of thousands of dollars in monthly salaries. However, from the Director General to the modest technician, all have willingly worked on very ordinary wages compared to European standards and with their day in and day out efforts made the Pakistani nation proud. The NDC only offered a good working environment, love and respect to the young engineers and scientists. They didn't even take weekends off. They even worked on Eid holidays and did shopping for the project on these days. These young scientists and engineers even spent their nights in their workplaces like the Muslims spend their time on simple rugs in Mecca and Madina during the Haj. These scientists and engineers were not paid much higher salaries than the ordinary pay scale. They were just given 10 to 15 percent higher pay. However, the NDC does make such arrangements that when these scientists are in the field their immediate families do not face any problem. Due to this environment, the NDC managed the amazing work of the Shaheen missile. The NDC did not coerce its employees to work but got the job done with love and by providing them a home-like work environment.

The Shaheen missile was conceived keeping in mind two things. First, what are our defense needs. Second, which of the enemy's military installations should come within our range. These were kept in mind while determining the range of the Shaheen missile.

Everyone knows that India has established most of its air bases, cantonments, and Corps headquarters within 300 to 400 kilometers from Pakistan's border. These include the military bases of Pathankot, Halwara, Amritser, Jampur, Chandigarah, Delhi, Jalandar, Ambala, and Rajestan. The distance of Delhi from Pakistan's border is less than 400 kilometers. It was also kept in mind while designing the Shaheen missile that it should have a ready-to-fire system and excellent accuracy must be developed with the terminal guidance system. In other words, efforts were made to make Shaheen missiles state-of-the-art, the fastest and most deadly weapon of South Asia. After successful test-firing of the Shaheen missile on April 15, one observer said on an Indian television channel, "Pakistan could not have prepared a missile like Shaheen". This remark is the biggest compliment to the engineers and scientists of the National Development Complex.

To achieve these capabilities, the NDC developed solid fuel for the Shaheen. It is very difficult to develop a missile that uses solid fuel. India test-fired the Agni-I missile in 1994. Its one engine used liquid and the other engine used solid fuel. India took five more years to prepare Agni-II, whose both engines use solid fuel. This gives an idea of how difficult is the technology of solid fuel. The advantage of solid fuel is that it enables a missile to be launched on 15 minutes notice. However, missiles with liquid fuel need four to six hours to launch after receiving such orders. The reason for this is that the liquid fuel cannot be kept in the missile's tank for more than one hour, as its components Nitro acid and the other Kerosene oil, if left in the tank of the missile, will make holes in the tank. On the other hand, solid fuel can be kept in the missile. It does not damage the missile even over a period of ten years. The solid fuel does not even expire. Pakistani engineers and scientists have used this solid fuel after first developing it. It has not been imported as no other country can provide even one kilogram of it.

Pakistan has also prepared a terminal guidance system. Its development was the biggest challenge for Pakistani scientists and engineers. The development of this system has given maximum accuracy to the Shaheen missile. This means that the Shaheen missile has a 100 percent capability of destroying its target. It was also kept in mind while designing the Shaheen missile that it should be so fast that no missile defense system could intercept it. During the test flight of the Shaheen missile it was observed that its speed is three times more than the latest Indian missile, Agni-II. This has been made possible as a very powerful rocket motor has been designed for the Shaheen missile. This enabled the Shaheen missile to reach its target in less than seven minutes.

Shaheen is a medium-range ballistic missile. All long and medium-range missiles of the world in the initial stage of their flight go straight up. Shaheen on Thursday (April 15) at quarter to ten gained an altitude of ten kilometers in the first 20 seconds after its launching. After 20 seconds of vertical flight it started turning toward the target. In order to cover the launching of Shaheen four camera teams were stationed at the Somiani launching pad. The Shaheen missile defeated these seasoned cameramen and most of the cameras could not record the initial stage of its flight completely. The Director general of the NDC, Dr. Samar Mubarik Mand, was present at the Somiani launching pad with his team. Before the launching of Shaheen, the scientists and engineers of NDC recited the Quran and prayed for the success of the missile. Soon after the launching, Shaheen's motor produced a powerful flame and this kept tailing the missile for a long time. This flame was very similar to the flame of the United States' Apollo rocket. The powerful flame of Shaheen was indicative of its thrust and power. The combination of Shaheen's lightening speed, terminal guidance system and solid fuel have made it the most state-of-the-art, fastest and deadliest missile of South Asia. All these capabilities have not been integrated in any one of the missiles of South Asia.

On the night of April 15 an analyst who is the Director of the Institute of Strategic studies, Quaid-e-Azam University, endorsed on Pakistan television that these three capabilities are not integrated in any other missile of South Asia. This writer has found from reliable sources that though Agni is heavy and has a longer range, due to its heavy weight its speed is very slow and it does not even have a terminal guidance system. That is the reason that although India announced the test-firing of Agni-II, it did not divulge its circular error probability. It has kept it secret and at the same time has not revealed whether it fell on target or not. In contrast, the hundred percent target-hit for Shaheen has been ascertained. The missile hit its target on Thursday and on the same day its warhead was found from the target area in Chaghi. The warhead went 15 to 20 meters deep into the ground and created a crater of 10 to 12 meters radius. The destroyed parts of the warhead scattered in around one kilometer area. On the next day (Friday), 40 to 50 kilometers away from the target, villagers found the burnt motor of the Shaheen missile in the desert. They informed the authorities, who later removed it from the area.

The Shaheen missile weighs 9 tons and is filled with approximately 7 tons of solid fuel. The weight of its motor is one ton and it has a warhead of one ton. The test firing of Shaheen-I has provided some very useful information to the scientists and engineers of the National Defense Complex, which will help in completing the Shaheen-II. This missile, with a 2500-kilometer range, will soon reach its completion stage. The three special features of Shaheen-I have also been included in this version. The Shaheen-II missile will consist of two rocket motors (two stages.). The whole of India will come under its range and this was the basic purpose of developing Shaheen-II. Pakistan does not have any other enemy country in the neighborhood. NDC developed the design of Shaheen, manufactured it, and those parts that were planned to be manufactured from the Pakistani industry were developed according to the required standards under the direct supervision of the NDC. The National Defense Complex has already started production of Shaheen according to the needs of Pakistan's armed forces. Pakistan, after meeting its defense needs, can export these missiles to the international market and annually earn hundreds of millions of dollars. This will help in providing respectable employment to those thousands of engineers and scientists who in order to provide better living standards to their families have gone abroad.

The successful test-firing of Ghauri and Shaheen missiles after the nuclear tests have given a pride to the whole Islamic world. Several OIC member countries including Iran and Saudi Arabia congratulated Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Shairf on this historical success of Pakistan. Moreover, due to these successes the people are no more awed by India's military preparations.

Red aRRow

Forum Bouncer
The Shaheen I is said to be based on the M-11...mostly because it looks like it. The shaheen II is vastly superior. Just compare the range of the two missiles. The M-11 has a 300 km range while the Shaheen II has a 2500 km range!!!
And moreover the capabilities of the missiles are being discussed...NOT their origins.


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  • #28
Pakistan's Nuclear Delivery System

Pakistan has a better nuclear delivery system than india.Its F-16 are fully capable of delivering nuclear weapons in "25" minutes.Its longest range Shaheen missile can be aimed at Indian cities like benglore etc.Secondly Pakistan's French submarines Augusta-90B can also deliver nuclear tipped missiles.They are considered as state of art in delivering nuclear weapons.
This shows Pakistan is in better position than India and capable of defending itself.

[Mod edit] Merging


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  • #29
Mr greatIndian!
M-11 is a SRBM(Short Range Ballistic Missile) whereas Shaheen-II is an indigenously made IRBM(Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile).Mr Shamayel is telling the truth.You have no right to object on this missile as it is a hardwork of Pakistani Enginners.


New Member
Oh Really was it PAK engineer's hard work? You must be joking
Read the story below

Libyan Arms Designs Traced Back to China
Pakistanis Resold Chinese-Provided Plans
By Joby Warrick and Peter Slevin
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, February 15, 2004; Page A01

Investigators have discovered that the nuclear weapons designs obtained by Libya through a Pakistani smuggling network originated in China, exposing yet another link in a chain of proliferation that stretched across the Middle East and Asia, according to government officials and arms experts.

The bomb designs and other papers turned over by Libya have yielded dramatic evidence of China's long-suspected role in transferring nuclear know-how to Pakistan in the early 1980s, they said. The Chinese designs were later resold to Libya by a Pakistani-led trading network that is now the focus of an expanding international probe, added the officials and experts, who are based in the United States and Europe.

The packet of documents, some of which included text in Chinese, contained detailed, step-by-step instructions for assembling an implosion-type nuclear bomb that could fit atop a large ballistic missile. They also included technical instructions for manufacturing components for the device, the officials and experts said.

"It was just what you'd have on the factory floor. It tells you what torque to use on the bolts and what glue to use on the parts," one weapons expert who had reviewed the blueprints said in an interview. He described the designs as "very, very old" but "very well engineered."

U.S. intelligence officials concluded years ago that China provided early assistance to Pakistan in building its first nuclear weapon -- assistance that appeared to have ended in the 1980s. Still, weapons experts familiar with the blueprints expressed surprise at what they described as a wholesale transfer of sensitive nuclear technology to another country. Notes included in the package of documents suggest that China continued to mentor Pakistani scientists on the finer points of bomb-building over a period of several years, the officials said.

China's actions "were irresponsible and short-sighted, and raise questions about what else China provided to Pakistan's nuclear program," said David Albright, a nuclear physicist and former U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq. "These documents also raise questions about whether Iran, North Korea and perhaps others received these documents from Pakistanis or their agents."

The package of documents was turned over to U.S. officials in November following Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi's decision to renounce weapons of mass destruction and open his country's weapons laboratories to international inspection. The blueprints, which were flown to Washington last month, have been analyzed by experts from the United States, Britain and the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N. nuclear watchdog.

Weapons experts in Libya also found large amounts of equipment used in making enriched uranium, the essential ingredient in nuclear weapons. That discovery helped expose a rogue nuclear trading network that officials say funneled technology and parts to Libya as well as Iran and North Korea. A central figure in the network, Pakistani metallurgist Abdul Qadeer Khan, acknowledged in a televised confession last month that he had passed nuclear secrets to others. Pakistan's president, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, then pardoned Khan.

Of the many proliferation activities linked to Khan's network, the selling of weapon designs is viewed as the most serious. The documents found in Libya contained most of the information needed to assemble a bomb, assuming the builder could acquire the plutonium or highly enriched uranium needed for a nuclear explosion, according to U.S. and European weapons experts familiar with the blueprints. At the same time, one of the chief difficulties for countries trying to build nuclear weapons has been obtaining the plutonium or uranium.

Libya appeared to have made minimal progress toward building a weapon, and had no missile in its arsenal capable of carrying the 1,000-pound nuclear device depicted in the drawings, the officials said. However, weapons experts noted, the blueprints would have been far more valuable to the other known customers of Khan's network.

"This design would be highly useful to countries such as Iran and North Korea," said Albright, whose Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security has studied the nonconventional weapons programs of both states. The design "appears deliverable by North Korea's Nodong missile, Iran's Shahab-3 missile and ballistic missiles Iraq was pursuing just prior to the 1991 Persian Gulf War," he said.

Such a relatively simple design also might be coveted by terrorist groups who seek nuclear weapons but lack the technical sophistication or infrastructure to build a modern weapon, said one Europe-based weapons expert familiar with the blueprints. While such a bomb would be difficult to deliver by air, "you could drive it away in a pickup truck," the expert said.

The device depicted in the blueprints appears similar to a weapon known to have been tested by China in the 1960s, officials familiar with the documents said. Although of an older design, the bomb is an implosion device that is smaller and more sophisticated than the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II. Implosion bombs use precision-timed conventional explosives to squeeze a sphere of fissile material and trigger a nuclear chain reaction.

Pakistan's first nuclear test in 1998 involved a more modern design than the one sold to Libya. Albright said the Libyan documents "do not appear to contain any information about the nuclear weapons Pakistan has built."

The documents at the center of the investigation were handed over to IAEA inspectors in two white plastic shopping bags from a Pakistani clothing shop. The shop's name -- Good Looks Tailor -- and Islamabad address were printed on the bags in red letters. One of the bags contained drawings and blueprints of different sizes; the other contained a stack of instructions on how to build not only a bomb but also its essential components.

The documents themselves seemed a hodgepodge -- some in good condition, others smudged and dirty; some professionally printed, others handwritten. Many of the papers were "copies of copies of copies," said one person familiar with them. The primary documents were entirely in English, while a few ancillary papers contained Chinese text. The package also included open-literature articles on nuclear weapons from U.S. weapons laboratories, officials familiar with the documents said.

Strikingly, although most of the essential design elements were included, a few key parts were missing, the officials and experts said. Some investigators have speculated that the missing papers could have been lost, or hadn't yet been provided -- possibly they were being withheld pending additional payments. Others suggested that the drawings were simply thrown in as a bonus with the purchase of uranium-enrichment equipment -- "the cherry on the sundae," one knowledgeable official said.

Libyan scientists interviewed by international inspectors about the designs said they had not seriously studied them and were unaware that anything was missing. As Libya had no suitable missile or delivery system for a nuclear weapon, the scientists might have decided to delay work on bomb designs until other parts of their weapons program were further advanced, one knowledgeable U.S. official said.

U.S. and European investigators said there were many similarities among the other nuclear-related designs and components found in Libya and Iran, suggesting they were provided by the same network.

As for who delivered the material to the Libyans, a European official who has studied the question said the connection to the Khan network was indirect. "The middleman is quite invisible. The middleman has covered his tracks very well."

Red aRRow

Forum Bouncer
greatindian said:
Oh Really was it PAK engineer's hard work? You must be joking
Read the story below .........
Uhhhhhh...I read it....does not say anything about Pakistan's Shaheen missiles. :? :? :?


New Member
If you read it then you also must have understood it. What ever technology Pakistan boasts off has come from China. Very less is indegeniously developed. Many people all over the world have serious doubts about Pakistan developing indegenious missiles. I do not want to be harsh but reality bites.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
greatindian said:
If you read it then you also must have understood it. What ever technology Pakistan boasts off has come from China. Very less is indegeniously developed. Many people all over the world have serious doubts about Pakistan developing indegenious missiles. I do not want to be harsh but reality bites.
greatindian, I hope you aren't trying to bait people in here. check the wording of Janes:

1: It is likely the Hatf III programme has been superceded by the Shaheen I/Hatf IV that could be based on China’s M-9.
The bottom line is that you, or I or anyone is going to be able to ascertain the origins of these missiles until there is more concrete information - the Janes wording shows an exercise in caution - its worth paying attention to that.

It's not a wise thing to argue about indigenous capability - after all, there are a number of Indian programmes that have their legacy systems and construction based around Russian units and platforms.

This has the makings of a low level forum brawl - and should stop before it develops into something less than friendly.

In the spirit of goodwill lets pause a little rather than undertake the futile and unrewarding exercise of point scoring.


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  • #35
these are just reports which are published by Western Media.We people do not believe on such "concoctive" stories.Western Media just want to aim at pakistan's Nuclear program because it stopped India from agression.isn't it.First see your own country's program which has been developed with the help of Israel.


Troll Hunter
Staff member
Faisal, please drop this "you people..." type of statements. It only gives the other person reason to say the same thing back to you. = flame war. We don't want that and won't allow it.


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  • #37
Please dont believe on the reports published on the web.Shaheen and Ghauri are indigenously developed in Pakistan.May the technology be acquired from other countries but all the assembling and parts are made inside the country by Pakistani Engineers.


New Member
Re: Best Missile

shamayel said:
My personal opinion is that the Shaheen II is the most advanced missile system which is currently deployed in the Asian sub continent.

Shaheen II missile system:
The Shaheen missile system was developed by the work of the National Defence Complex, Suparco and the Atomic Energy Commission.
The missile has a range of 2500 kilometres and features significant improvements over the Shaheen I missile system. The first benefit is that it is a solid fuelled missile which can be deployed in a comparatively much shorter frame of time if compared with liquid fuelled missiles.
Secondly the Shaheen II missile has one of the highest speeds during its re-entry phase. It is even said the speed is around 3 times faster than the Agni's. ( ) The high re-entry speed can be judged by the fact that during tests in Pakistan the one ton warhead went 15 to 20 metres into the ground while creating a crater of 12 metres in diametre.
The CEP of the Shaheen II missile is quite small. There is no exact figure available but it is widely believed to have a CEP of couple of metres. (probably around + or - 15 to 20 m)

Agni II missile system:
This is much heavier and bigger than the Shaheen II system and deployes 2 solid fuelled motors but still has a 2100 kilometres range. Also the Agni 2's motors develop less thrust than the Shaheen and take a longer time to reach the intended target when compared with the Shaheen 2. Agni II takes 11 minutes for the 2100 kilometres while the Shaheen II takes around 7 to 8 minutes.( ). Also the Agni II is not fully deployed yet and as the Indian defence minister said that it is "under production and induction phase". Also Agni II's CEP is said to be around + or - 100 metres.

My opinion is based on reading different articles on the missile systems. I am sure the Indian members will be keen to disagree with me.

Mr , .. welll ..... listen ...... once i read this thing in new papers , some indian scientist refering about the capacity of nuke and missiles .....

he said , Agni is not tatical battlefield weapon and it is intended to use for deliver nukes across country...... now it not matter if you nuke lands 100 meters away or 200 meters or 1 mile away from the targer ..... the end thing is total distruction.

Even nuke fall 100 meter away from the intended targer still it can destroyed the whole city as it can destroy by landing a mile away ..... so on this CEP is not a matter .....

Regarding , Agni , the design of agni is intendent made made sleek ,, if you see it is sleekness make its hard to detect , it second phase is even more sleek which make it more defficult to detect and gun down .

Someone in old school told me that hitting a ball with 2 meter bat is more easy than hitting a bat of 0.5 meter. i hope you understand my point of indication .

Moreover Agni-11 is all soild fuel based .

few year back thier is contriversoy that should india go liquid fuel for second stage as the advange of Agni-1 in this regard is that Indian Missile man can control the second phase of missile and manuver it , divert it and guid it towards it targets .

But my bet is on hte land version of cruse missile that india has developed and going for deployment and which can be use as tactical weapon and also have the 100% accuracy and will be used in the event of battel widly

you know the success of cruse missiles in wars , though its rage is 300 km and it can cover more of the battle field and most of PAK

Sorry, guys , but i think neither shaheen nor Agni is best mssile , the best missile is cruse missile.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
Sorry, guys , but i think neither shaheen nor Agni is best mssile , the best missile is cruse missile.
There are severe tactical limitations for a cruise missile


there is no "right" missile. each has tactical advantages and disadvantages.

eg I would rather take out a tank formation using a tactical missile than a cruide.

a missile using an atmospheric entry will have a greater kinetic kill level than a cruise missile.

there are a number of other examples of one being superior to the other.