France and the U.K. are small but China is large. China still manly uses the AK-47 the last time i checked.
errh extremely wrong information you have there.
China frontline troops use the T-95, reserves troops use T-81. Special forces use T-95, T-79/85. The convesion to T-95 for entire PLA force is said to be achieved in mid 2010. With their old T-81 for secondhand sale to African nations that uses the same 7.62x39rounds.
T-81 is not a Kalashnikov copy it bears resemblance of its layout but its internal mechanisms and sights are complelty different to one another. Ive fired both T-81 and AK-47 and with targets +100m its really hard for a AK-47 to get the head shot, though T-81 is way more accurate then the AK-47.