I dont mean to be rude but have you ever been to a russian naval base? ever been on board a russian nuclear submarine? ever spoken to russian naval officers and enlisted? i think thats the diffrence between us i have, my stepfather was soviet navy and after living with him for 13 years and also acctualy going to these places i do have a fair idea about what is there.
So your step-father was in the Soviet Navy, well that explains your attitude about this subject.
My experiences with the Russian Navy include:
1) In 02' I had the opportunity to CROSSPOL, US 7th Fleet and RU PAC-FLT. My stay at Vladivostok was a nightmare. We had no power, no hot water, our food tasted like tough chicken yet it was supposed to be lamb-chops. I discussed our condition with a sailor who spoke English rather well (I didn't expect it) and said that this was a good day! Sergei had many friends who committed suicide. He spoke of sailors stripping ships of materials to feed their families. He said he couldn't wait to get out of the service, he said he tried everything to get a deferment but his family didn't have enough money. We quickly became friends and after I left we started a correspondence.
2) Sometime around late October/early November of 04' as part of the ENTBATGRU detatched to 2nd Fleet operations in the North Atlantic; I was talking to the COMMS officer about going home and an urgent message was recieved. I was told that the Admiral Kuznetzov (carrying out exercises) had sent a distress call b/c she was taking on water. The Peter the Great had been contacted and said no assitance was required. The CCDG-12 decided that we should check it out. By the time we got there we saw on oil slick 3 miles long. We thought she had sunk.
3) Last year I went to Latvia for a cheap vacation and I met up with my friend Sergei who lived in St. Petersburg. He had just finished his 3yr conscription leaving service from the Northern Fleet. We had a blast in Riga and went to visit his family in St. Petersburg, now thats a beautiful city!!! We decided to go up the Kola (by train) to see some of the war/muesems. The train was packed with sailors, once Sergei told them I was in the USN they asked me more questions than I could shake a stick at. They were shocked when I told them how much I make. They said they could live off one of my paychecks for a year!! While in Murmansk I asked if we could visit his base at Severomorsk. He said no way that was going to happen, it was a closed town and you needed a special "outsvise" that required connections to NOR command. Sergei couldn't even get one and he just got out of the service!
Thus concludes my experience with the Russian Navy. So you have been to these places in the last few years? It's a totally different world from Soviet days. Have I talked to officers? no, they always have a partisan view anyway, I have talked to conscript sailors who make up the back-bone of the fleet and their condition is deplorable. They don't serve or train long enough to become proficient with the systems they operate. Seeing PAC-FLT at Vladivostok was enough to turn my stomach.
As for the submarines:
TK17 is due to pay off 2006 about june time
TK20 is due to pay off 2007
TK208 is due to pay off 2008
this is TK20 and crew member this year the submarine was readying for patrol.
Back end of TK20 in 2004 now why in gods name would you spen a few million on a repaint and also other maintinance when your going to scrap it?
Close up of TK17 in december 2004 returning home from deployment.
This is all three typhoons that remain tied up at pier TK20 TK208 TK13
These pictures mean nothing, there are no dates or places. No captions means they are part of a photo-album. Besides that it proves nothing. They could all be of TK 208 (which is a test ship) or they could be old shots.
"The Typhoon ballistic missile nuclear-powered (SSBN) submarines are the largest submarines ever to be built. They were constructed at the Severodvinsk Shipyard, on the White Sea near Archangel. The first of the six members of the class to be commissioned was TK 208 in 1981, followed by TK 202 in 1983, TK 12 in 1984, TK 13 in 1985, TK 17 in 1987 and TK 20 in 1989. The submarines were stationed with the Russian Northern Fleet at Litsa Guba.
Of the six, only TK 17 and TK 20 are operational. TK 208 was relaunched following refit in 2002 and is being used as a trials ship. TK 12 and TK 13 are decommissioned, waiting to be scrapped. With assistance from the United States, through the Co-operative Threat Reduction Program, TK 202 has had its nuclear fuel removed by US funded processing facilities and converted into forms suitable for long term storage or re-use. The UK has also agreed to take part in the dismantling of Russia's decommissioned nuclear submarines."
From naval technology
This source is not current.
By 2004 the three remaining project 941 (Akula) subs assigned to the 19th division of the Northern Fleet were still armed with the D-19 missiles.
Global security
I asked Sergei about the Typhoons weapons status and he told me "that was classified" but if I wanted to know more about the truth read Admiral. Gennady Suchkov and his complaints. He was wrongly convicted so he spilled the beans about the Typhoons. BTW your source from global security doesn't include the update from May of that year.
"On 24 May 2004 it was reported that. . . navy chief Adm. Vladimir Kuroyedov had ordered the navy to decommission the remaining three Typhoon-class submarines. . .the Severstal carried only 10 missiles, while the other two are unarmed."
I have other pictures but i cannot post them here, i know your going to just plainly arguee this because its a forum and you dont want to look as if you have been beaten, but im telling you now i do know exactly whats what in the russian navy, ive been there and seen it first hand ive even lived it i think thats more than what youve done sir.
You a defence analyst so your always right, well no sir i dont think in fact i know your not on this one i can only quote from public sources because the pictures and what not i have i cant put them here.
You have other pictues

Are they classified? b/c every one you posted I found during a google image search. Are your sources classified as well? The classified data on these subs was spilled 2 years ago.
As for the state of the Russian navy, if Americans and EU citizens have to spend billions of their tax dollars to defuel the rust yard at Kola then the Russian fleet does not have the funds she needs. If I make more in a month than a Russian sailor makes in a year they do not have the funds they need. If they can't keep power at their bases b/c they can't pay their bills they do not have the funds they need. If they can't feed the sailors and families they don't have the funds they need. The problem with the fleet is they try to operate platforms that they can't maintain and do so with conscript sailors. Doing so leads to disasters and we have seen many, if this continues many more lives will be lost. It's exactly your Soviet superior attitude that gets people killed on the high seas. This is a different era than the Cold War, let it go friend. Take a step back and think about the men who have to operate these vessles.