i understandt this. You hit it straight on the nail... ie "If you want a fishery protection patrol vessel to spend weeks patrolling, buy an OPV" But why buy an opv based on a corvette platform and having the option to upgrade to a corvette later. Again as you saidSea Toby said:If you want a frigate, a warship that can go fast and run for days without running out of fuel, buy a frigate. If you want a fishery protection patrol vessel to spend weeks patrolling, buy an OPV. If you wish to buy a warship that can go fast and run for only a day or two before refueling, buy a corvette. Its that simple.
There are many who prefer a corvette for warship duties, and there are many who prefer an OPV for patrol duties.
Unfortunately, there are some who wish to use an OPV as a warship, or use a corvette as a patrol ship. Corvettes cost at least twice as much as an OPV, and are as much an overkill for patrol as a frigate.
1.If you want a fishery protection patrol vessel to spend weeks patrolling, buy an OPV
2.If you wish to buy a warship that can go fast and run for only a day or two before refueling, buy a corvette