Yeah, BAE were saying about how the S1850 was 'redundant' because it pretty much matched the capabilities of SAMPSON, but here's a nice bit Beedall wrote about it
In regards to FREDA, here's an old DT link i'm about to have a look through, though the last post is late 2007
but It doesn't have a VSR I don't think. IIRC it's just Herakles
Navy Matters | SAMPSON MFRThis claim is rather an over simplification. Some tasks are difficult to combine, for example (long range) volume search takes a lot of radar resources, leaving little room for other tasks such as targeting. Combining volume search with other tasks also results either in slow search rates or in low overall quality per task. Driving parameters in radar performance is time-on-target or observation time per beam. This is perhaps a the key reason why the Royal Navy selected the S1850M Long Range Radar to complement Sampson on the Type 45 destroyers. It is also a reason why NATO in its NATO Anti-Air Warfare System study (NAAWS) defined the preferred AAW system as consisting of a complementary Volume Search Radar and MFR. This - as NATO points out - gives the added advantage that the two systems can use two different radar frequencies; one being a good choice for long range search, the other a good choice for an MFR (which is especially nice as physics makes both tasks difficult to combine).
In regards to FREDA, here's an old DT link i'm about to have a look through, though the last post is late 2007