It is true the US is streets ahead of Europe and Japan, but this is only because of diliberate policy desicions taken in the two regions. The fact of the matter is the regions best equiped to compete militarally with the US have effectively been demilitarlised zones(the greatest truimph of american post war policy). At the moment the US's biggest compeditor is a country that was recently 3th world and still is in vast areas.
You can look into the future and say that there is no real compeditor out there with the tech to overtake the states, but this really depends on policy in the EU and Japan being kept in stasis, which wont happen.
The reason which tied Europe The US and Japan together in the postwar period are slowly disappearing, and with it American dominance.
Not even the combined EU comes close to this and despite all the China hype it is still the second largest economical and highest developed area behind the US.
true, but it's economy is actually larger than the US economy. How long do you think it would take to catch up with the US if the EU had a single MOD and procurrement policy? and do you think that might happen in the next 20 or years? I think it is a def possiblity.
Bottom line there is nothing inevitable about America's continued domination of the military plane. After the 2nd world war they were the worlds economic giants, not anymore, the Japanese more productive, the EU larger, the far east growing faster. Politically they are no longer the force they once were, they cannot even impose there will over a small country like the Lebanon, there major allies(apart from the British) deserted the over the Iraq issue, and not only that activley opposed them. American political capital has never been so low.
I'm not having a go at the States, but the military is the only plane left were you mantain a significant advantage, if your lead in other areas can be reeled in, do you really think that you military advantage will continue to grow?
And in the end the invasion of Iraq, the biggest undertaking since vietnam, has failed. Like Vietnam you have won every battle and lost the war. Your militay has proformed wonders, but it has had no effect on the outcome, In the end its been a political and military failure. At least you could maintan order in siagon.