SOCOMD, 6 Brigade...just signs on the doors.
I'm not arguing with you over 1, 3 and 7 Brigades. It just seems to me that while this may be sufficient for now, the future may be more demanding on the Regulars.
I just think we are in for a lot more strife then Cold War ever had, and this is why I think ADF needs to really look ahead at least a decade in its force planning. National Service was not planning but an expediency.
I think this is what I was saying, that Bushmaster is not an APC and can not be regarded as a vehicle which qualifies a unit as mechanised. I think I mentioned covoy duties and internal security.
Not sure why we need to 'ape' Americans with their 'units of action'. What is a combat team? It sounds to me like the time Soviets did away with ranks

Seems to me traditional unit designations are quite adequate for role and function descriptions. Just semantics, as if a battalion is not a 'combat team'. Its always been about teamwork, whatever the Arm or Service.