Australian Army Discussions and Updates

Rob c

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
What could possibly go wrong when when you hand a review of the whole of defence over to an outsourcing mad lawyer and an ex airforce helicopter pilot.
Pollies are very careful when picking review committees to ensure they get the result that they want. This is very carefully thought out so to appear independent and if a dogs breakfast is the result, I would not put it past the pollies. as to being the desired result they want. Nothing like muddying the waters so as to allowing the question to be ignored or starting another review so as to delay the result indefinitely.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Pollies are very careful when picking review committees to ensure they get the result that they want. This is very carefully thought out so to appear independent and if a dogs breakfast is the result, I would not put it past the pollies. as to being the desired result they want. Nothing like muddying the waters so as to allowing the question to be ignored or starting another review so as to delay the result indefinitely.
Ever since the Costigan Royal Commission back in the early 80s, governments have made sure they know the answer before they kick off.

That one backfired beyond anyone's anticipation. The Painters and Dockers Union of the time was basically a criminal enterprise and needed to be investigated and prosecutions made. The GoD decided to not only launch an investigation, but to turn it into a politically motivated union bashing exercise so made it a royal commission.

The issue was, yes the union was a totally corrupt criminal enterprise and deliberately hired hardened criminals to commit illegal acts, but the royal commission also uncovered who was hiring their services.

This was the backfire part, the upper end of town was not pleased their money laundering and other serious crimes, they had at time engaged the union to facilitate, were exposed.


Well-Known Member
ABC has a news article today re the new structure for Army.

Can't post the link

However it's a light brigade in Darwin
A motorised Brigade in Brisbane and an Amoured Brigade in Townsville.
Each with a littoral lift group.
Adelaide gets the missile stuff.

More detail no doubt will follow

Cheers S


Well-Known Member
ABC has a news article today re the new structure for Army.

Can't post the link

However it's a light brigade in Darwin
A motorised Brigade in Brisbane and an Amoured Brigade in Townsville.
Each with a littoral lift group.
Adelaide gets the missile stuff.

More detail no doubt will follow

Cheers S
Happy to assist
Image from the article


Well-Known Member
Ever since the Costigan Royal Commission back in the early 80s, governments have made sure they know the answer before they kick off.

That one backfired beyond anyone's anticipation. The Painters and Dockers Union of the time was basically a criminal enterprise and needed to be investigated and prosecutions made. The GoD decided to not only launch an investigation, but to turn it into a politically motivated union bashing exercise so made it a royal commission.

The issue was, yes the union was a totally corrupt criminal enterprise and deliberately hired hardened criminals to commit illegal acts, but the royal commission also uncovered who was hiring their services.

This was the backfire part, the upper end of town was not pleased their money laundering and other serious crimes, they had at time engaged the union to facilitate, were exposed.
Volk I think your meant to say allegedly re the upper end of town ;)

There was a band called the painters and dockers back in the 80s who had a small following.
Went to a gig where they were the support band.
There follows slam dance style was at odds to the majority of the crowd.

I don't think they were there to pick up the lady's !!!

Their band was Shit but the Hoodoo Gurus were good fun.

Argh. back in the days.

Cheers S


Well-Known Member
Wonder if 2 RAR will be moved to a brigade, or quietly left to rot?
Interesting question, Army is going to have to expand the size of Water Tpt by a factor of 3-4 to crew all the vessels currently planned. How does 2 RAR factor into the new water fleet? With a lot more vessels to be deployed from, I could actually see 2 RAR being expanded.


Well-Known Member
Part answer maybe what does a Littoral Lift Group look like.

Cheers S
Something along the lines of 2-3 LMV-H*, 6-8 LMV-M, 4-8 LMV-P as well as the LARC-V replacement.
*There is still the question mark of how these will be operated, as Army has zero experience in operating vessels of this size, they could end up as commissioned vessels of the RAN with a mixed crew.


Well-Known Member
Something along the lines of 2-3 LMV-H*, 6-8 LMV-M, 4-8 LMV-P as well as the LARC-V replacement.
*There is still the question mark of how these will be operated, as Army has zero experience in operating vessels of this size, they could end up as commissioned vessels of the RAN with a mixed crew.
To state the obvious , there must be some movement on these vessels / craft in quick time.
Both LARC-V and Medium as a project are up and running with a good number of competitive designs.
This project just needs a decision made!

LMV-H I don't think is up for tender at this stage.
Any clarity with the progress with this project.

Cheers S


Well-Known Member
To state the obvious , there must be some movement on these vessels / craft in quick time.
Both LARC-V and Medium as a project are up and running with a good number of competitive designs.
This project just needs a decision made!

LMV-H I don't think is up for tender at this stage.
Any clarity with the progress with this project.

Cheers S
I suspect more clarity in coming months for LMV-H, priority right now would be on selecting the winners of the LMV-M and LARC-V replacements before we see a start on the LMV-H and LMV-P projects, which are all new capabilities for Army, not replacements for current capabilities.


Well-Known Member
Happy to assist
Image from the article
I had gone back to lurking for a while but I can't help but get in on the changes to Army.

A few points I might throw in:

1) 3BDE is noted as retaining its amphibious capability, as distinct from littoral. The role of 2RAR in supporting the ARE/ARU may not change as a result, assuming the LHD at least remain in service. 2RAR could move to support the littoral lift groups (LLGs, forgive the acronyms) via detachments, or the groups themselves could field their own pre-landing elements. Either way, if they are intended to operate independently and dispersed they are going to need a way to operate safely across the Coral Triangle.

2) The LMV-H are noted as existing in each of the combat brigades from 2024. While this may be purely speculation, as the infographic may just be indicating planning, it could indicate a faster timelime for LMV-H over something else, or some interim decision for training such as leased craft, if they are available (like 1BDE is doing at the moment, ref. 1:33 mark).

3) There is no mention of AS4 post-2024. Currently there are three battalions of AS4, with one (3RAR) to transition to AS21 and another disappearing from ORBAT (7RAR). How 6RAR transitions will be interesting, presuming there is no surplus of Bushmasters available. Further, only 9BDE is noted as fielding G-Wagon post-2024 - though this may be looking too far into it.

4) This still appears to be a planned expansion of the Army, regardless of 7RAR being slashed. Water transport will need to grow tremendously (regardless of mixed crewing with RAN), RAA is expanding and will need to retain old training pipelines also, and 5/7RAR and 2RAR may need to grow on an individual basis in order to enable littoral lift groups. Close combat, as per DSR, is on the backburner - though I would stress my desire to not retain old or inadequate systems.

5) A lot of work to concentrate effort it would seem (minus littoral lift). All tanks moving to Townsville, 10BDE being fires, while 16BDE helicopter fleets are being concentrated so contractors can better support. Brigades are returning to being specialised and, as per COA in previous address, are largely returning to the command of 1DIV.

Hopefully this one sticks and there isn't another chop and change. While I can see the appeal of having Army closer to population centres, especially when recruiting is hard, I can also see the advantages of being aclimated to the tropics and being positioned towards our interests. At least a lot of estate has already been set up in these areas, though not all of it.

Hopefully we can keep up a good tempo, considering current issues around recruiting/retention, restructuring, and possibly impending DACC tasks. Probably gonna return to lurking, but had to jump in with my 2cents considering it is probably the biggest news thats gonna happen to the green for a while.
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old faithful

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Numbers of troops in Darwin to remain at "about the same" so with the Tigers going by say 2025, numbers will drop in Darwin, as the aviation and supporting units depart.


Well-Known Member
Numbers of troops in Darwin to remain at "about the same" so with the Tigers going by say 2025, numbers will drop in Darwin, as the aviation and supporting units depart.
But you have 5 RAR returning to Darwin to re-link with 7 RAR, to form 5/7 RAR which will be a light Combat Bn within 1 Bde and also a Littoral Lift Group, so numbers are not going to change overall.
Awaiting the Presser with Richard Marles expected shortly.
Nothing new really from the Presser, other than no, the Army will not be launching missiles from Adelaide (seriously one of the reporters actually asked if the Army would be launching missiles from Adelaide :rolleyes:).


Well-Known Member
I had gone back to lurking for a while but I can't help but get in on the changes to Army.

A few points I might throw in:

1) 3BDE is noted as retaining its amphibious capability, as distinct from littoral. The role of 2RAR in supporting the ARE/ARU may not change as a result, assuming the LHD at least remain in service. 2RAR could move to support the littoral lift groups (LLGs, forgive the acronyms) via detachments, or the groups themselves could field their own pre-landing elements. Either way, if they are intended to operate independently and dispersed they are going to need a way to operate safely across the Coral Triangle.

2) The LMV-H are noted as existing in each of the combat brigades from 2024. While this may be purely speculation, as the infographic may just be indicating planning, it could indicate a faster timelime for LMV-H over something else, or some interim decision for training such as leased craft, if they are available (like 1BDE is doing at the moment, ref. 1:33 mark).

3) There is no mention of AS4 post-2024. Currently there are three battalions of AS4, with one (3RAR) to transition to AS21 and another disappearing from ORBAT (7RAR). How 6RAR transitions will be interesting, presuming there is no surplus of Bushmasters available. Further, only 9BDE is noted as fielding G-Wagon post-2024 - though this may be looking too far into it.

4) This still appears to be a planned expansion of the Army, regardless of 7RAR being slashed. Water transport will need to grow tremendously (regardless of mixed crewing with RAN), RAA is expanding and will need to retain old training pipelines also, and 5/7RAR and 2RAR may need to grow on an individual basis in order to enable littoral lift groups. Close combat, as per DSR, is on the backburner - though I would stress my desire to not retain old or inadequate systems.

5) A lot of work to concentrate effort it would seem (minus littoral lift). All tanks moving to Townsville, 10BDE being fires, while 16BDE helicopter fleets are being concentrated so contractors can better support. Brigades are returning to being specialised and, as per COA in previous address, are largely returning to the command of 1DIV.

Hopefully this one sticks and there isn't another chop and change. While I can see the appeal of having Army closer to population centres, especially when recruiting is hard, I can also see the advantages of being aclimated to the tropics and being positioned towards our interests. At least a lot of estate has already been set up in these areas, though not all of it.

Hopefully we can keep up a good tempo, considering current issues around recruiting/retention, restructuring, and possibly impending DACC tasks. Probably gonna return to lurking, but had to jump in with my 2cents considering it is probably the biggest news thats gonna happen to the green for a while.
I gather there is not a great deal of increase in Army's over all personal numbers.
Just a prioritisation of the type of capabilities desired going forward.

A lot to like and many levels.
The localised rationale for support of high tech platforms makes sense.
The littoral stuff is interesting and has appeal.
Our three big amphibious ships on the East Coast can sail north along the coast and pick up from Brisbane or Townsville the appropriate force depending on the contingency. Makes sense.

Hopefully another infantry battalion emerges down the track. My pick.

Special forces not sure if any change.

Reserves not sure how there placed.

Will see how it evolves.

Cheers S

old faithful

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
But you have 5 RAR returning to Darwin to re-link with 7 RAR, to form 5/7 RAR which will be a light Combat Bn within 1 Bde and also a Littoral Lift Group, so numbers are not going to change overall.

Nothing new really from the Presser, other than no, the Army will not be launching missiles from Adelaide (seriously one of the reporters actually asked if the Army would be launching missiles from Adelaide :rolleyes:).
5 RAR is already in Darwin, have been since the 90s. 7 RAR was relocated from Darwin to SA later. 5/7 RAR will still be 1 bn with the same posted strength as 5 or 7 RAR. It won't be a bigger unit. When the aviation assets are gone, it will be a smaller footprint. Unless Navy have have a larger presence .

1Armd Regt to be an "experimental unit"?
A training aid in other words.....a retirement unit.


Active Member
There seems to be a lack of clarity so far on RAAC units. Talk of tanks and IFVs being concentrated in 3rd Brigade, which will be tagged "armoured", but also mention of 1st Armoured Regiment being "re-roled as an innovation and experimentation unit to deliver and integrate these emerging technologies but will remain at its current location in the South Australian capital, close to the Cultana and Woomera training ranges".

So what really happens with our tanks, IFVs and Boxers? We have/are getting enough for three squadrons of the former, a full battalion using the second, and six squadrons of the latter. Anyone know, or care to offer thoughts?