The Bunker Group
That and capabilities that can be maintained predominantly through simulation with the equipment being of a type that requires minimal maintenance. Deployable rocket and missile capabilities could fit this type. Easy and cheap the develop and maintain the required skills, even though the equipment its self is high end and expensive, leave most on the gear in storage, use the minimum for training as required and do the rest of the training with simulators.
It was actually a significant consideration, for exactly the reasons you mention. It's fundamentally a simple platform - meaning that training burden is not onerous - and it gives the ARes a modern, up-to-date and needed system; not something that can usually be said about non-HADR or medical ARes capabilities. It's a self-contained box of rockets on a simple truck chassis....
But, and it needs repeating, before we equip the ARes we need to define their mission and purpose. What is the ARes for? How will it be used? Is it something that can slot into a ARA Bde for D-Day operations? Or is it something that reinforces the replacing Bde at D+90? Or is it HADR only? Or is it...? Or...?
After that, there are two main points that seem to be forgotten:
1, how does the average ARes soldier/officer mix Army and work and family?
2, equipping the ARes with 'hand me down' equipment has significant capability and retention issues. So, based on mission and (1), what do they get?
The ARes is ripe for modernisation and reformation. Would need a significant sweepout of seniors, there is a lot of.....entrenchment there, but the ARes could be on a cusp of a new golden age. Or we (the Royal, ARA, we) can let it stumble on.