Just reflecting on the numbers that have been announced.Just some general points:
30 guns isn't that much unfortunately; but its better than what we have now. 6x guns / Bty; 3x Bty / Regt (gives 3 units of fire - one per BG); 3x Regt + School (another Bty) means 60 guns. So we'll get half what is probably the minimum for an honest capability - although 8 gun Bty are what is needed for a modern, armoured manoeuvre fight. I would hate to go to 4 gun Bty like they do now; but even then that's 40 guns.
Currently there are 4x gun / Bty - so 44 RAA pers. Add in the HX77 driver and that's 48. A K-9 SPH has a crew of 5, so each Bty (assuming 4) has 28 spare bodies. Cut 4 across to the K10 and 8 across to RAEME and you are still looking at a net saving of pers - plenty to afford a long range fires capability (especially if you look at the ARes for that one). Even a 6 gun K-9 Bty would be personnel neutral. @Volkodav - that covers most of the bill for maintenance and support with ease. The big logistic problem remains resupplying the guns from 2nd or 3rd line. The Army has forgotten how much the guns chew up - and what 26 Tpt Sqn is meant to be used for.
SPH are required for a mech force as they can (a) keep up and (b) have a sufficient weight of fire to combat an enemy mech force.
The M777 are likely to stay for a while - unfortunately. When it comes down to it, they are a net drag on the Army's capability (especially when a SPH battery achieves IOC).
Knowing how the title Protected Mobile Fires came about, @buffy9, it is deliberately done to exclude a GOAT solution. Protected demands the crew can operate under protection, mobile provides the self-propelled bit, fires is self explanatory. No SPG is armoured like a IFV or MBT; but most of them have similar protection to the CRV. That's enough - they aren't meant to be under direct fire.
@ngatimozart - you could use the hull - but why? Boxer offers better choice's there as it's already modular. Of course, there is a proposed 155 mm module for a Boxer, so it may end up being the same hull! Note that L19-7B is buying the mobile SAM though, so it will be on the ORBAT.
It is a huge win for Army. Now to stick the landing....
A greenfield site in Geelong will be selected to manufacture these vehicles - to manufacture just 30 K9 and their associated K10s.
Hardly seems economic.
Unless this is the initial order, and over time there will be more follow on orders, - which I expect may turn out to be the case.