The Bunker Group
I can't argue that you need to be able to do all the roles required - that's a no brainer. Nor that anyone has to be able to meet the standards (I'll come back to that). I can tell you that despite being a male I would never have passed Infantry IETs as a teenager - I'd have been broken.I wouldn't undermine my own unit, but I can tell you this.
If I had a substandard dig in my section when I was a seco, I would try and bring him up to standard. If he lacked motivation, or the actual skills to do his job, he was moved on to somewhere that his strong points would be put to better use. Every one has strong and weak points. It happens to me when I was a "lid" I stuffed up for my first year.
But, you MUST not lower the standards so that someone will fit in. If they can't carry a Mag 58 and the rest of the gear, at the speed required, if they can't man pack a couple of mortar rounds as well as their own gear, when required, if they can't keep up 5km an hour for 8 hours with their kit, they can't be grunts.
There are plenty of suitable jobs that females can do in combat roles. But you can't just have ladies as scouts only, they have to be able to every job an infantry soldier does. Sig, gunner, what ever.
Having said that, if they CAN do it, welcome aboard, and I doubt that many men would find a girl that can do the job properly attractive, and she probably wouldn't find most of the guys attractive either.
I can also fully support the role of a leader is to bring up those below standard. However, there are some things that get lots of slack and some things that don't. And we both know of soldiers and officers who should have been eased out earlier instead of trailing along. Were these 7 in that group? I don't know. I can only judge them on their lack of respect and teamwork.
The standards are a separate and fascinating discussion that was, for a period of time, closely looked at last year until someone senior said stop. Why are RAInf standards like they are? No one can tell you. They are seriously excessive when compared to every other line infantry requirements and exceed most Special Operations requirements. So why the disparity? And why the order to stop investigating? Even better, why (noting the greater mechanisation and potential for uninhabited systems in the near future) are the standards at SoI the same now as they were when old faithful went through? Why do they have to carry 81 mm bombs? Has nothing improved or changed since then? Every other school has evolved - SoI fiddles around the edges.
To my mind, RAInf missed a serious trick here. Instead of a bunch of blokes tossing their toys out of the cot (like many are), they missed the opportunity to revise the Corps to push into the future. In taking females in, they could have triggered a "Corps review" - a fundamental justification of infantry, its importance and its role in the future. There could have been a body of work that made RAInf look forward-leaning, capable - pushing the unique opportunities that they offer the Joint Force and securing a strong say in many things that flow on. But even when pitched that option it was rejected - better just to say no.
Finally, some of those standards are crippling people. Not Infantry ones, but recruit ones. And not because they are bad or because our trainees are weak - but because we are ignoring professional advice about how small and large, male and female, tall and short bodies absorb nutrients and recover. Sometime soon, someone is going to ask why we break so many young men and women. No one's heads will roll as it's mostly officers, but the reality is that we have failed many, many people thanks to our unwillingness to listen, consider and revise as appropriate.