ADF General discussion thread

John Newman

The Bunker Group
Hi John, yes I’m fully aware of that, as far as Australian media Defence reporting goes, if it flies it’s a bomber, if it has wheels it’s a tank and if it floats it’s a battleship. And that‘s about the level of intellectual thought that goes into it.

Reporting on Aussie property prices, interest rate rises etc are a much higher priority, apart from thrashing the kiwi’s or poms at whatever sport.

Yep the author maybe was sent something, or maybe skimmed an ASPI article or something, threw together a crap article, and sold it to SMH

And yes, I still believe that the original content that he used, related to F15, and he obviously doesn’t know the difference between an F22 and F15, and doesn’t care, as long as he gets paid for the article

Anyway, not arguing with you, just expressing my view

Mate, all good, no argument from my end, ok?

I’m just very down on the media in their pathetic Defence reporting (and general reporting too).

The standard of reporting by journalists has been bad for many many decades, it’s only getting worse too.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Oi if you want to stay on here better ease up about the thrashing us Kiwis at sport. :D :D There are three Kiwi moderators on here. By the way we be ahead of you on the Winter Olympics medal table. :cool: Wouldn't do it myself - to cold for this Maori.
We don't have a problem with NZ winning two golds. It's kind of cute when minnows win something



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Verified Defense Pro

Was an Aussie any way that won for NZ wasn’t it? Revenge for Aussies Sam Neil, Russell Crowe and crowded houses
We keep telling you that you can keep Russell Crowe. Can someone please inform your immigration people.


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Verified Defense Pro
Three Kiwi mods?

I thought it was just one of you, but with three heads! (you old inbred sheep shagger!)
They were a bit sheepish about admitting there were three of them ..... sorry, could not resist.

Back on topic, defence reporting in Australia is dismal but the situation is not helped by the fact that DoD are not forthcoming with reporting on significant outcomes. The launch of the Arafura hardly rated a mention on the defence site. It was pretty much the same for the DDG. The ANI site was supposed to be update in January but that did not happen and the news out of that organisations is sparse at best (non-existent in reality).

Aircraft deliveries get reported on but it is hardly bracing stuff. In so far as the Army's programmes, there is reporting but the media focus on the
ASPI nonsense and the rebuttal from defence does not cut through.


Super Moderator
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Verified Defense Pro
They were a bit sheepish about admitting there were three of them ..... sorry, could not resist.
You don't look sorry nor baaaaa.....shful either.
Back on topic, defence reporting in Australia is dismal but the situation is not helped by the fact that DoD are not forthcoming with reporting on significant outcomes. The launch of the Arafura hardly rated a mention on the defence site. It was pretty much the same for the DDG. The ANI site was supposed to be update in January but that did not happen and the news out of that organisations is sparse at best (non-existent in reality).

Aircraft deliveries get reported on but it is hardly bracing stuff. In so far as the Army's programmes, there is reporting but the media focus on the
ASPI nonsense and the rebuttal from defence does not cut through.
All of this lack of transparency has taken effect since Minister Dutton has taken over. I read something last year that he's forbidden all ADF uniformed and civilian personnel to speak to media about anything without prior approval from his office. Basically even if the media ask what the time is or for directions to the head, the answer has to be cleared with Dutton's office first.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Good short time frame mapping of the PLAN transit and associated lasing incident of a RAAF P-8. Naturally this does not indicate how further back these units were being tracked, but rest assured it was a much longer time frame. ;) Image Source : ADF Image Library
"A Headquarters Joint Operations Command storyboard depicting the movements of a PLA-N Luyang-class guided missile destroyer and a PLA-N Yuzhao-class amphibious transport dock vessel, including their passage into the Arafura Sea and through the Torres Strait into the Coral Sea. Note the lasing incident against a Royal Australian Air Force P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft that occurred on 17 February 2022."


Active Member
Good short time frame mapping of the PLAN transit and associated lasing incident of a RAAF P-8. Naturally this does not indicate how further back these units were being tracked, but rest assured it was a much longer time frame. ;) Image Source : ADF Image Library
I wonder where the other two vessels went?

Anyrate, I think the ADV Cape Inscription Battle Group can stand down - the PLA-N are probably running low on Aussie baby formula and just swung by Oz to pick-up a few gross cans.


Well-Known Member
No one in NZ will know, so may I ask: where are the feckers now?
The Coral Sea is a big place and relatively not that far from God's Own.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
No one in NZ will know, so may I ask: where are the feckers now?
The Coral Sea is a big place and relatively not that far from God's Own.
The Auckland Peace Group are warming up the BBQs and woks as we speak to welcome the dear comrades if they decide to grace the waters of the Waitemata Harbour with their heavenly presence. They have polished all the brightwork on their ceremonial waka - an aluminium tinny from Bunnings in Takapuna and brushing up on the "East is Red".

John Newman

The Bunker Group
The Auckland Peace Group are warming up the BBQs and woks as we speak to welcome the dear comrades if they decide to grace the waters of the Waitemata Harbour with their heavenly presence. They have polished all the brightwork on their ceremonial waka - an aluminium tinny from Bunnings in Takapuna and brushing up on the "East is Red".
I can see it now, Uncle Helen and Jacinda will be at the head of the pack holding up signs that read:

“Better red than dead!”


Well-Known Member
I read today that the fed gov announced a new Antarctic drone fleet, 4 medium lift helicopter with a 550 km range and investigation into Intercontinental aero planes. Can anyone shed any light on what aircraft these capabilities might involve? Apparently aimed at securing our foothold in Antartica and the Southern ocean.



Well-Known Member
I read today that the fed gov announced a new Antarctic drone fleet, 4 medium lift helicopter with a 550 km range and investigation into Intercontinental aero planes. Can anyone shed any light on what aircraft these capabilities might involve? Apparently aimed at securing our foothold in Antartica and the Southern ocean.

INTRA-continental not INTER-continental. And that would be a tricky one, depending on what they are looking for.


Well-Known Member
INTRA-continental not INTER-continental. And that would be a tricky one, depending on what they are looking for.
Apologise and noted but have to say I haven’t heard that description before. Intra-continental sounds like a Plane that can’t fly from 1 continent to the next…eg from Australia to Antartica!