Greece has accepted the LEOs as soon as the problem solved. In fact the delivery has commenced during last October.
As Kato said, one would expect that now the money begins to flow.
Greece was the 1st customer of U214 so it is logical sequent that no other had before the same problems. Furthermore problems has to do with the terms of the contract. If KMW or HDW had promised in order to win the contract (and signed also in the contracts), particular specifications, they are obligated to keep that promises! The lack of a solution so far has to do mainly with the fact that Greek part has payed the 80% of the money in advance(!) which leaves Greek Gov. with very litle negotiation power.
The HDW problem seems to be more complicated. The U214 is sitting here in Kiel and it looks like they are not working on it anymore. And it is like this for some time now.
So HDW thinks and says that the problems are solved.
The Greek customers seem to think something else.
The KMW problem is already solved and still no payment...
Safety of the personel is not a mater of luck. I am curius about the opinion of other users of LEO2. I'm sure they are going to fix that problem as soon as they can also! Don't forget, everyone, everywhere and when encounters a Leo2 in battle knows now where to aim! (That is what one expects!)
It defenitely is a matter of luck. Of really bad luck.
Here Kato has also been faster than me. We are not talking about something one can aim for. One can hardly aim for the former GPS on Leo IIA4.
Now we are talking about a really little hole which one needs to hit at a very, very limited angle.
We are not talking about hitting the former place of the GPS. Behind it there is a big block of armor similar to the one at the left side of the turret just a little bit further back.
So it is like GPS--->main armor--->TC.
In order to penetrate there one needs to hit the frontal right side of the former GPS. And this with an angle which allows the round to hit the small slit at the left back of the former GPS.
This is nothing one can aim for (Apart from a specially designed test). Actually one needs really bad luck to get hit there (Apart from the needed energy to penetrate the add-on armor).