Following the giant explosion in the Beirut port, large civil disturbances have broken out in the city, with protesters seizing government buildings, as well as a building belonging to the banking association. So far the police has been unable to stop them, and army troops have moved into the city. Reportedly as many as 2000 troops have entered the city. There are also unsubstantiated reports of some of the protesters burning documents in the captured buildings.
On a personal note the scale, speed, and intensity with which the situation exploded suggests that either there were significant tensions prior to this, and the explosion was merely the factor that set them off, or that there were plans in place to use large scale civil disturbance to bring significant political change to Lebanon. It's of course possible that both are true.
В Ливане происходит попытка государственного переворота, спусковым крючком который явился визит Макрона и ультиматум переданный французским посланником властям Ливана , о котором уже писал. Не трудно догадаться, что основной целью происходящего под…
The army has pushed the protesters from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which was announced as the headquarters of the protest. The army is using sticks and rifle butts to push back the protests.
Коротко в продолжение темы про попытку переворота в Ливане 1. Ближе к ночи армия вытеснила мирных протестующих из захваченного здания Министерства иностранных дел,которое было объявлено штабом революции (по нему проходила…
Aerial shots of the destruction in Beirut.
Съемки разрушений в Бейруте. Вид с воздуха.