The Bangladeshi corvette BNS Bijoy (deployed with UNIFIL MTF448) was docked in the port within about 400m of ground zero at the time of the explosion, although shielded by the grain silo building. 16 out of 110 crew injured, including one critical.
British hydrographic survey ship HMS Enterprise is deploying from Cyprus to survey debris within the the port. German corvette FGS Ludwigshafen has been pulled from UNIFIL MTF448 and is sailing under national command from Cyprus to Beirut to assist.
France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Russia have each sent in about 50 civilian emergency workers, primarily SAR teams along with a couple dozen tons medical supplies. Smaller contingents, usually single teams of around a dozen men, have been or are being deployed by China, Tunisia, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, Qatar and Iraq. The effort by EU member states is coordinated by the European Union. Jordan and Egypt are deploying military field hospitals in Beirut, Germany is readying one.
Macron will visit Beirut today as already planned for months.