As usual,you make the grandiose comments which lack any form of support. Somehow I think I'll listen to a bloke who is a TAC planner than someone who gets some basics wrong. To say that they won't be effective anymore is so damn simplistic its unbelievable. How long do you think ferret missions have been around, do you seriously think that a nation that defined tactical and strategic bombing, is on its 4th generation of stealth weaponry, hasn't worked out how to get into some of the targets with minimal losses? TAC and Strategic bombing is more than B1's and B2's. Its certainly not F-22's that will be doing deep strike.No they wouldn't be effective anymore which makes gf0012-aust post redundant. Send a B-2 by itself into China or Russia on red alert and it probably wont be coming back.
In actual fact military radar systems that were hot did not see the F117's when they were on short finals.When the B-2 entered service it would have been a piece of cake to strike anywhere inside Russia or China. Radar power has improved so much that stealth aircraft are starting to be detected further and further away. During the Gulf War very few radars in the world were powerful enough to detect the F-117 at a useful range. Now alot of radar systems across the world can detect the F-117 at beyond visual range.
Please tell us what systems can detect the F117 under its normal op conditions? (ie, antennas down and comms cold)
The whole idea of TAC planning is that you fly around the threat as much as possible - incl f-22 missions which you seem to think have changed the dynamic so much that its all a new way to get in and strike with relative impunity.The F-117 or B-2 cannot rapidly change direction and accelerate to Mach 2 in seconds to take the aircraft out of an enemy missiles no escape zone.
Again, I'm staggered that you seem to think that you know how the F-22, B2 and B1 fight when a current TAC planner has different ideas. As this TAC planner is current, it's not as if he's outside of the loop. His job is to define how the B2 and F-22, JSF will work in future. You're turning this into a biggles sideshow.
Yet you blithely trot out examples which some of already know are not the way business will be done.
Again, what is your background? You have been asked numerous times and repeatedly - and by people who are qualified aviation engineers, systems specialists and flight test engineers. This gets down to an issue of competency and deserves qualification
I see the same kind of answers coming back about supersonic cruise missiles being invincible - and yet I have yet to see one advocate of supersonic cruise missiles identify any of the critical technologies that can be used to neutralise them. The no escape zone for a ship against a supersonic cruise missile is a lot narrower - and yet we know of ways to negate them. Its the same with aircraft and SAMs.