Worlds most powerful militaries

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Obviously the United States of America has the most powerful military and then comes China, but what are the next 8? I am thinking Britain, Russia, France, India, Germany, Turkey, Pakistan and Spain or Italy.

This is based on technology, equiment, training and warfighting capibility. Thanks


New Member
In a modern conflict the amount of soldiers you have is irrelevant.

Advanced Aircraft, fighters and bombers.. Force projection is also important Aircraft carriers and advanced escort ships, submarines very few countries have these. Intelligence with satelites, net centric warfare, this is what wins wars.

If your talking technology and training then China would be lucky to be in the top 10.. Though 50 years ago it would have been lucky to be in the top 100.. China is picking up pace real quick updating its old equipment which is why its budget is so big for relatively small firepower at the moment.

Saudi Arabia
South Korea

These countries have excellent force projection and could invade their neighbours easily.

Just slightly below these countries you have the everyone else. Spain, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Brazil, Greece, Sweden, Canada, Netherlands, Tawon etc.

Taiwon for instance spends alot of money but its completely setup to defend an attack by China, so all round its not very good at all.


New Member
Saudi Arabia
South Korea.
I would dispute Australia being up there. Do we really have the capabilities to carry out war in another nation? What about initial Air Cover? We could probably defeat Indonesia, because it's so close, but I don't see Australia being able to project enough force to really defeat a country.
I think if we got a small Aircraft carrier we could definitely be up there, until then, I'd be reluctant to accept that.

But the question is pretty open ended, I mean, what does "the worlds most powerful military" mean?
Israel up there? Definitely a player, but they are geared towards kicking ass in the middle east, ie, their immediate neighbours. Could they defeat a far away country, well thats not their military objective.

I think to address the question, we need to define it better than "This is based on technology, equiment, training and warfighting capibility"

Are we saying, "Who can exert military control over their neighbours or region?"
Or "Who can launch long range invasions?"
Or something completely different?

Another one on your list:
Saudi Arabia itself immediately requested US help when Saddam invaded Kuwait in the Gulf war. Also, their oil shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf are protected by US ships. To me, that doesn't sound like a country which is very confident in its own military.
Here we can see defence budgets, I think this puts together a good list, and a good starting point.


New Member
Regarding Israel.. Its training and intelligence is one of the best. They also see alot of action. They are combat proven and can attack and invade any country in their region.

Regarding Australia we have a large budget for the amount of people in the defence force. This means we have excellent equipment and dont have to waste money replacing huge amounts of old equipment. With inflight refueling our fighters have always been in control of the entire region, not just Indonesia.

Regarding Saudi Arabia they indeed had a small military during the Gulf War. However it has doubled its military budget in 10 years. Its second only China in terms of the percentage increase of military spending. The latest tanks, F-15's, AWAC's and soon to be Typhoons, its right behind Israel IMO.


New Member
Regarding Israel.. Its training and intelligence is one of the best. They also see alot of action. They are combat proven and can attack and invade any country in their region.

Regarding Australia we have a large budget for the amount of people in the defence force. This means we have excellent equipment and dont have to waste money replacing huge amounts of old equipment. With inflight refueling our fighters have always been in control of the entire region, not just Indonesia.

Regarding Saudi Arabia they indeed had a small military during the Gulf War. However it has doubled its military budget in 10 years. Its second only China in terms of the percentage increase of military spending. The latest tanks, F-15's, AWAC's and soon to be Typhoons, its right behind Israel IMO.
Theres no doubt that Israel kicks ass, that wasn't my point. They are a regional power, but beyond that... I dunno.

And with Australia, I had the same kind of point. We can control our immediate region, but we can't project force across long distances.
And I'm not up-to-date on Saudi Arabia, so I'll take your word for it.

But for a "Powerful military," I think we can accept that force projection is a huge part. Can the countries I named project force?

I'll clarify. The UK can project force, see the Falklands war.
Clearly the US, China etc, can too. The ones I'm talking about are probably incapable of doing so.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
In a modern conflict the amount of soldiers you have is irrelevant.

Advanced Aircraft, fighters and bombers.. Force projection is also important Aircraft carriers and advanced escort ships, submarines very few countries have these. Intelligence with satelites, net centric warfare, this is what wins wars.

If your talking technology and training then China would be lucky to be in the top 10.. Though 50 years ago it would have been lucky to be in the top 100.. China is picking up pace real quick updating its old equipment which is why its budget is so big for relatively small firepower at the moment.

Saudi Arabia
South Korea

These countries have excellent force projection and could invade their neighbours easily.

Just slightly below these countries you have the everyone else. Spain, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Brazil, Greece, Sweden, Canada, Netherlands, Tawon etc.

Taiwon for instance spends alot of money but its completely setup to defend an attack by China, so all round its not very good at all.
What is your viewpoint on North Korea and Egypt, granted North Korea has older technology weapons but if you look at were their offensive drives will be, they could turn it into a real nasty conflict for South Korea.


New Member
In a modern conflict the amount of soldiers you have is irrelevant.

Advanced Aircraft, fighters and bombers.. Force projection is also important Aircraft carriers and advanced escort ships, submarines very few countries have these. Intelligence with satelites, net centric warfare, this is what wins wars.

If your talking technology and training then China would be lucky to be in the top 10.. Though 50 years ago it would have been lucky to be in the top 100.. China is picking up pace real quick updating its old equipment which is why its budget is so big for relatively small firepower at the moment.

Saudi Arabia
South Korea

These countries have excellent force projection and could invade their neighbours easily.

Just slightly below these countries you have the everyone else. Spain, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Brazil, Greece, Sweden, Canada, Netherlands, Tawon etc.

Taiwon for instance spends alot of money but its completely setup to defend an attack by China, so all round its not very good at all.
How about singapore ? with massive man power in military training + advance weaponry.


Ship Watcher
Verified Defense Pro
I would dispute Australia being up there. Do we really have the capabilities to carry out war in another nation? What about initial Air Cover? We could probably defeat Indonesia, because it's so close, but I don't see Australia being able to project enough force to really defeat a country.
I think if we got a small Aircraft carrier we could definitely be up there, until then, I'd be reluctant to accept that.

But the question is pretty open ended, I mean, what does "the worlds most powerful military" mean?
Israel up there? Definitely a player, but they are geared towards kicking ass in the middle east, ie, their immediate neighbours. Could they defeat a far away country, well thats not their military objective.

I think to address the question, we need to define it better than "This is based on technology, equiment, training and warfighting capibility"

Are we saying, "Who can exert military control over their neighbours or region?"
Or "Who can launch long range invasions?"
Or something completely different?

Another one on your list:
Saudi Arabia itself immediately requested US help when Saddam invaded Kuwait in the Gulf war. Also, their oil shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf are protected by US ships. To me, that doesn't sound like a country which is very confident in its own military.
Here we can see defence budgets, I think this puts together a good list, and a good starting point.
II think you make some really good points in this post Brycec. Re the list of military budgets I agree it is a good starting point but we need to remember that you can buy a lot more manpower for your money in some countries (lower living standard, conscription, etc) and whilst it is not the dominant factor in determining military power, I don't believe that the number of soldiers you have is completely irrelevant either. Geography also plays a part. Some countries, for example don't need a navy to project power.

Looking at the budgets it is clear that the USA is miles ahead of the rest. After that I agree that China, Russia, UK, France, Germany, Italy and India ought to be in the top ten powers. That leaves two spaces. Japan has a constitution that prevents power projection. However the constitution could be changed and it would immediately become a major power in my view. I agree with your comments about Saudi Arabia so that leaves Japan, South Korea, Israel, Australia, Brazil, Turkey and Canada as the contenders for the last two places based on spending. But what about Spain, North Korea and also Pakistan, which is a nuclear power?

My selection to round out the ten would be Israel and South Korea but good arguments could be put forward for each of the others.

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I don't agree with Australian being in the top 10. There are countries with much larger militaries. Countries like Egypt, Mexico, Brazil, Thailand, Syria, Ukraine, etc


New Member
In a modern conflict the amount of soldiers you have is irrelevant.

Advanced Aircraft, fighters and bombers.. Force projection is also important Aircraft carriers and advanced escort ships, submarines very few countries have these. Intelligence with satelites, net centric warfare, this is what wins wars.

If your talking technology and training then China would be lucky to be in the top 10.. Though 50 years ago it would have been lucky to be in the top 100.. China is picking up pace real quick updating its old equipment which is why its budget is so big for relatively small firepower at the moment.

Saudi Arabia
South Korea

These countries have excellent force projection and could invade their neighbours easily.

Just slightly below these countries you have the everyone else. Spain, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Brazil, Greece, Sweden, Canada, Netherlands, Tawon etc.

Taiwon for instance spends alot of money but its completely setup to defend an attack by China, so all round its not very good at all.
Germany has force projection??? :confused:
For that I know Germany hasn't aircraft carrier, lpd/lhd or special force like Marines or Royal Marines.
Germany has a lot of soldiers and equipment of cold war made for self defence, not for force projection.
In terms of force projection Spain is far superior with modern aircraft carrier, lpd/lhd, escort ships (Aegis) and special forces like 'Infanteria de Marina'.
Israel too. Israeli navy has not aircraft carriers or lpd/lhd.


Ship Watcher
Verified Defense Pro
Germany has force projection??? :confused:
For that I know Germany hasn't aircraft carrier, lpd/lhd or special force like Marines or Royal Marines.
Germany has a lot of soldiers and equipment of cold war made for self defence, not for force projection.
In terms of force projection Spain is far superior with modern aircraft carrier, lpd/lhd, escort ships (Aegis) and special forces like 'Infanteria de Marina'.
Israel too. Israeli navy has not aircraft carriers or lpd/lhd.
As a European power I don't believe Germany needs more than a moderate amphibious capability. IMO, it has a relatively strong army and air force and a more than adequate navy. Israel has demonstrated its military strength against numerically superior enemies for more than half a century. It is also a nuclear power.

I tend to agree with you re Spain, even though it does not appear in the top 16 countries so far as defence expenditure is concerned. A strong argument can be mounted for including it in the top ten. IMO though, it is just behind South Korea and Israel.



New Member
As a European power I don't believe Germany needs more than a moderate amphibious capability. IMO, it has a relatively strong army and air force and a more than adequate navy. Israel has demonstrated its military strength against numerically superior enemies for more than half a century. It is also a nuclear power.

I tend to agree with you re Spain, even though it does not appear in the top 16 countries so far as defence expenditure is concerned. A strong argument can be mounted for including it in the top ten. IMO though, it is just behind South Korea and Israel.

As much as I respect Israeli soldiers as excellent, we have to remember that they are effectively the only military in their immediate area who have a powerful air force. I would say that yes Israel should be on the list, but the strength of its military has only been tested on weaker forces, even if those forces numerically outnumber the Israelis.

And once again, I would say many countries can dominate their region, but can't go on long ranged invasions. Germany may be an example of that.
The original question is very open to interpretation.
I'll say that a country needs to have an aircraft carrier to be on the list.
I think I would look at this question like this.

1. Can this country defend itself from an invasion from its neighbours?
2. Can this country attack another country, either across sea or across land?


New Member
I'll say that a country needs to have an aircraft carrier to be on the list.
I think I would look at this question like this.

1. Can this country defend itself from an invasion from its neighbours?
2. Can this country attack another country, either across sea or across land?
Given that, if you consider owning a real aircraft carrier and effective force projection, there would be no top 10 since less than 10 countries are able to do this...
USA, UK, France, China? , India?

And with your terms, Russia is out...


Ship Watcher
Verified Defense Pro
As much as I respect Israeli soldiers as excellent, we have to remember that they are effectively the only military in their immediate area who have a powerful air force. I would say that yes Israel should be on the list, but the strength of its military has only been tested on weaker forces, even if those forces numerically outnumber the Israelis.

And once again, I would say many countries can dominate their region, but can't go on long ranged invasions. Germany may be an example of that.
The original question is very open to interpretation.
I'll say that a country needs to have an aircraft carrier to be on the list.
I think I would look at this question like this.

1. Can this country defend itself from an invasion from its neighbours?
2. Can this country attack another country, either across sea or across land?
A requirement for a country to have an aircraft carrier to be in the top ten would have excluded the Soviet Union for much of the time it was a super power and would also have eliminated Germany in the WW2 period!

If the question is interpreted as you suggest above then an aircraft carrier would not be required. I agree it would be almost essential for an attack on an overseas country that possessed any sort of air combat force but, IMO, it is not needed for attacking another country across land or across a narrow waterway if air superiority can be gained by land based air forces.



Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
I'll say that a country needs to have an aircraft carrier to be on the list.
I think I would look at this question like this.

1. Can this country defend itself from an invasion from its neighbours?
2. Can this country attack another country, either across sea or across land?
I believe that you've been seduced by the photographic attraction of Carriers as tools of power projection - and hence some notion of capability.

A good example of this is China. China is clearly a continental land power, she is fundamentally a green water navy power, and at a stretch, a blue water navy (as far as regional clout)

China however has no literal blue water capability (in the literal fleet force protection sense). She has no aircraft carriers, and even when launched, she'll need a 3-5 year turn around time to get them in a fleet ready, trained up asset. Nobody in their right mind is going to conduct a continental war against china - that makes her a power to be respected if allowed to fight on her terms.

China is also a regional power in the sense that she can more than adequately protect her navy as long as they stay within land based air support.


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
I totally agree that germanies abilities to project power are limited but as said before by some more guys here power projection by maritime assets is not the only way to describe how powerfull the armed forces of a country are.

Thailand has an aircraft carrier...just as a hint.

If anybody besides the US would show up on the german coast with their available maritime power projection assets they would be send to hell within a short period of time.
And that our armed forces consist mainly of cold war equipment is a very curious statement. Give me an example for our forces using something else than nearly every other NATO member.
As to special forces. Since when are marines a special force? They are specialised infantry nothing more than for example airborn, airmobile, light and mountain infantry.

And while a drafted army has some setbacks when it comes to deployability it has huge advantages when it comes to defending someones own country which still is the most important (Or better should be) criteria for every armed forces.

As to naval assets. With 15 FFGs (Three of them very modern AAW units), 12 SSKs, 10 FACs, 5 FLGs (currently under construction), 10 FACs and a bunch of auxiliary units I would not rate the german navy that toothless despite the fact that we have no carrier or amphibious vessels.

If I would have to rate by myself I would also put the UK and France above Germany.

Gary, Tasman and Doc already mentioned some very important things and some guys here should listen to what they have to say if this here shall not become a "my **** is bigger because I have a shiny toy" show. ;)


I believe that you've been seduced by the photographic attraction of Carriers as tools of power projection - and hence some notion of capability.

A good example of this is China. China is clearly a continental land power, she is fundamentally a green water navy power, and at a stretch, a blue water navy (as far as regional clout)

China however has no literal blue water capability (in the literal fleet force protection sense). She has no aircraft carriers, and even when launched, she'll need a 3-5 year turn around time to get them in a fleet ready, trained up asset. Nobody in their right mind is going to conduct a continental war against china - that makes her a power to be respected if allowed to fight on her terms.

China is also a regional power in the sense that she can more than adequately protect her navy as long as they stay within land based air support.
Well India, in the future, with its large population, could be in a position to wage a continental land war against China, although the terrain in Tibet could make it very hard, I wonder if the US could conquer China if its economy goes into total war mode like in World War 2, where it spend 40 per cent of GDP on defense in 1944, in World War 2, I think the US comfortably fielded an armed force amounting to 10 per cent of its population, which means that today, if it hypothetically goes into total war mode like in World War 2, it can field a very well equipped armed forces of more than 30 million men.


I totally agree that germanies abilities to project power are limited but as said before by some more guys here power projection by maritime assets is not the only way to describe how powerfull the armed forces of a country are.

Thailand has an aircraft carrier...just as a hint.

If anybody besides the US would show up on the german coast with their available maritime power projection assets they would be send to hell within a short period of time.
And that our armed forces consist mainly of cold war equipment is a very curious statement. Give me an example for our forces using something else than nearly every other NATO member.
As to special forces. Since when are marines a special force? They are specialised infantry nothing more than for example airborn, airmobile, light and mountain infantry.

And while a drafted army has some setbacks when it comes to deployability it has huge advantages when it comes to defending someones own country which still is the most important (Or better should be) criteria for every armed forces.

As to naval assets. With 15 FFGs (Three of them very modern AAW units), 12 SSKs, 10 FACs, 5 FLGs (currently under construction), 10 FACs and a bunch of auxiliary units I would not rate the german navy that toothless despite the fact that we have no carrier or amphibious vessels.

If I would have to rate by myself I would also put the UK and France above Germany.

Gary, Tasman and Doc already mentioned some very important things and some guys here should listen to what they have to say if this here shall not become a "my **** is bigger because I have a shiny toy" show. ;)
Well if hypothetically Germany and France were to go to war again who do you think would win?:D France may have a better navy, but then with only 1 aircraft carrier, it would be very vulnerable to Germany's navy.


New Member

UK above Russia in force projection and capabilities ?
Russia may have lost a decade in force modernisation. But they were still capable at their " lowest " point in recent history(1999) to move a paratrooper batallion to take over Pristina (Kosovo's capital) air port before the UK troops who was preparing for weeks to do so from Macedonia. The british army found its way to the airport blocked and could not understand where these russian paratroopers came from (!).

I'm not even mentioning nuclear forces or technological independence which places Russia in its own category a par with the US.
But comparing Russia to China/UK or France in terms of force capacity its far fetched. Russia has
- survelliance and communication equipment - satellites and experience in running and managing armies over 11 meridians.
-huge air transportation capabilities-the largest air cargos in the world and air refuelling
- more than 8 independent air borne brigade, with a long fighting tradition, with more than 120 BMD 3/ (now equipping with BMD4) each.
- a mobile rapid deployment force of 100,000 (including 60 % airborne), russian special forces, 1 marines regiment for each fleet and light infantry)
Currently, Russia has more than 20,000 troops deployed abroad (not including the Caucausus).
- long strike capacity - strategic bombers with cruise missiles and submarines with cruise missiless capable of destroying hardened and well defended targets such as command centers, air ports etc
- 30 years of almost continous fighting experience - in the Caucasus, Tadjkistan, Afghanistan for mobile forces (such as special units Spetznats)
- a militaristic and imperial culture with a higher public tolerance for casualties. (see Beslan incidents)
- an imperial standing and pride on a par with other european powers (when russian diplomats were taken hostage in lebanon, Alpha special forces killed relatives of the hostage takers , obtained the liberation of the diplomats and no other russian diplomat has been taken hostage in the middle east since the 1980)


New Member
I totally agree that germanies abilities to project power are limited but as said before by some more guys here power projection by maritime assets is not the only way to describe how powerfull the armed forces of a country are.

If anybody besides the US would show up on the german coast with their available maritime power projection assets they would be send to hell within a short period of time.
And that our armed forces consist mainly of cold war equipment is a very curious statement.
Exactly Waylander,
Germany has a top strong army to self-defense.
Same goes for the navy. Excellent subs (U212) and modern frigates (F124) to defend the Baltic Sea.
No doubts that Germany has all the requirements of the cold war when Germany was considered from NATO the main 'battlefield' against the enemy.
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