Aussie Digger
I claim virtually no knowledge of this role at ALL, however would the P-3C's not have a considerable role to play in this matter?
Obviously there's little they can do by themselves (Australia won't even arm them with a standoff weapon, let alone anything suitable for this type of work) but their surveillance capacity should be useful...
I think you are right though, a medium vessel with less offensive firepower, but better helo, troop and "fast attack craft" (for want of a better term) capacity would seem to be more useful, with a couple of frigates to back up for any "higher level threat" sceanrio's.
An LCS type craft with a rapid fire "accurised" medium gun (say 57mm), a basic swlfe defence capability (RAM-16 or similar) and multiple "light cannons (25mm or 30mm) plus greater helo capacity and an ability to act as a "mothership" for a "hardened" CB-90H type craft would seem to be exactly what's needed for this "assymetric" role...
Obviously there's little they can do by themselves (Australia won't even arm them with a standoff weapon, let alone anything suitable for this type of work) but their surveillance capacity should be useful...
I think you are right though, a medium vessel with less offensive firepower, but better helo, troop and "fast attack craft" (for want of a better term) capacity would seem to be more useful, with a couple of frigates to back up for any "higher level threat" sceanrio's.
An LCS type craft with a rapid fire "accurised" medium gun (say 57mm), a basic swlfe defence capability (RAM-16 or similar) and multiple "light cannons (25mm or 30mm) plus greater helo capacity and an ability to act as a "mothership" for a "hardened" CB-90H type craft would seem to be exactly what's needed for this "assymetric" role...